Desert Dingo Racing

Category: 2007 Baja 1000

  • Skid is only in this photo for perspective

    I drove the tires over from Scotts Valley. Richard drove the engine all the way from San Diego, having to spend a night in Orange County because of the fires.

    We put the tires on, which are breathtaking, and are buttoning things up so Richard can drive back down to SoCal for a Friday morning tech inspection. Then he’ll drive back, we’ll install the engine and have a running car by Sunday.

    More photos from tonight’s work here.

  • New feature in the Valley Post

    The Baja 1000: Local Team Will Drive 1300 Miles of Desert for Diabetes
    The Valley Post, October 23, 2007
    By Michael Thomas
    For most of us, driving a 30-year-old Volkswagen from Felton to Scotts Valley without breaking down could be a challenge. But driving that same car for 1,000 miles over Baja deserts, along crumbling roads, through dry ravines and slippery creek beds? It sounds impossible, but that’s exactly what a group of locals plans to do in November.

    Read the story here…

  • Work Day Fifteen

    There’s a “cut the blue wire” joke in this picture someplace.

    Seats and harnesses are in. We’re putting in the sections of roll bar that will also support the seats. We’re wiring dash instrumentation. Skips is mounting tires on our cherry rims on Monday. We have a great new sponsor I’ll be announcing shortly.

    I couldn’t sleep early this morning, and that means Skid shouldn’t sleep in either, courtesy of the Transformers website.
    Photos of today’s work here.

  • Pop quiz

    I downloaded the 27 pages of driving directions from the SCORE website. All I can say is that we’re carrying two GPS units in the car and hoping I never have to crack the binder that the print directions will be in.

    Take a look at the three instructions above and try to guess what they mean.

    To make it easy, I’ve included the answers below.

  • Work Day Thirteen

    Check out the cherry race rim.

    Richard has headed off to Southern California to pick up the engine. The rims are back from the powder coater and they look fabulous. We opted for red in honor of Eric Solorzano’s car, since he’s been such a major help for us. Also started work cutting the new dashboard.

    It’s Cary’s birthday today and he’s celebrating by welding gussets. 🙂

    More photos of people holding stuff here.