Trackside Photo got a great shot of 1146 catching air in the wash. I picked up a few copies to send to sponsors and arranged for permission to use the image on our website.
Category: 2007 Baja 1000
Desert Dingo in Diabetes Hoy
Diabetes Hoy, the magazine of the Federacion Mexicana de Diabetes, published a piece on Desert Dingo Racing. You can check it out here (if you read Spanish).
Desert Dingo Racing on dLife TV
dLife’s Matt and Christian put together a great six-minute piece on Desert Dingo Racing at the Baja 1000. Actually makes us sound like we know what we’re doing :).
dLife TV promoting upcoming segment on Dingos
dLife TV posted a blurb on their website on this coming Sunday’s feature segment on Mike and Richard.
This Week on dLife TV
January 20, 2008Topics: Crossing the Baja desert with diabetes and a souped-up Beetle; a visit to the cardiologist; and low-carb party food with Chef Michel Nischan. Plus, diabetes stole her sight but gave her artistic vision. And pop star Nick Jonas reveals the challenges of performing and living with diabetes.
The piece will air at 4 p.m. PST and we expect they’ll also post it online after the show.
Desert Dingo to be featured on CNBC’s dLife TV on Jan. 20
Desert Dingo’s assault on the Baja 1000 will be featured on the Jan. 20 episode of dLife TV, which airs on CNBC. Matt and Christian – the filming team – stuck with us for three days in Ensenada and beyond.
They mentioned us in their press release announcing episodes for the eighth season of the show. We’ll be profiled along with Jerry Mather of Leave It to Beaver” fame and baseball’s Dmitri Young.