Next year we’ll definitely have an in-car camera to get shots like they have of Eric Solorzano.
Category: 2007 Baja 1000
Desert Dingo featured in two video clips in Baja
Desert Dingo Racing has been featured in two promo clips put together by Aura360 and The Baja Unlimited, the production team that shot the Baja 1000 for NBC, ESPN and VW.
The NBC show is scheduled to air December 30 at noon Pacific time. We’ll all be watching it.
Click on the images to watch the video clips.
Happy Holidays from Desert Dingo Racing
Marcus shared some more imagery he shot during the race. A great shot of 1146 coming down off the mountain.
You can check out Marcus’ work here.
Baja Edition GlucoMON
Diabetech provided us with a Baja Edition of their GlucoMON device to test in the extreme environment of Baja. When I unbolted it from 1146, it was covered in oil, dirt and water, which is hard to see in this photo. I’m draining it before sending it back for evaluation.
KPIX feature that aired the day of the race
KPIX’s Kim Coyle did a nice three and a half minute feature on us as we prepped for the race. I’ve added other TV coverage on the news page.