That sound you hear is the sound of relief.
It’s not the prettiest race car, but it’s ours. And today it drove down the road under its own power. Much to the annoyance of our neighbors, I’m sure.
Today’s crew included Crusty, Toby, Rosh, Nick, Fiamma, Carmen, Dave, Jake, Roxanne and me. Though I mostly just sat in a lawn chair and surfed the internets.
Romy rebuilt the engine, got it installed last weekend and we fired it up for the first time today. Here’s what that sounds like. I’m the paranoid one asking about the oil.
The team worked their asses off today. Almost all the electrical is done. Fuel cell is in and is not coming out again and the fueling system is dialed. Seats are in. Battery in. GPS in and working. We got the last of the tires from Dixon & Sons, who mounted them on all the right rims. we got the wheels painted. Roxanne made great progress on the logistics guide. I got all the radios tested and sorted all our giveaways.
At one point this conversation took place:
Toby: “What the fuck?!”
Me: “I don’t want to hear that!”
Toby: “I mean ‘Right on! Great success! Yeah!’”
Crusty will spend the next two days installing the air filter and then dialing in a few other things. On Wednesday he shifts to packing up spare parts, tools and all the other stuff we’ll take with us.
Here are approximately one million photos taken this weekend: