Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Baja 1000

  • TrailGlow pit signs in action

    Our sponsor, TrailGlow, set us up with illuminated number panels, pit signs and pit crew safety vests. We’ll be using all of them at The 24 on Labor Day weekend.

    Three weeks to VORRA’s 24 hour desert endurance race in Fallon. I spent Sunday checking our electro-luminescent pit signs and safety vests. (They all work fine). The number panels on the car are as bright as neon and we’ve had checkpoint crews tell us they can see us coming half a mile away.

    Racing in Mexico and coming into the pit area at night, it’s all headlights and bonfires. We had no problem spotting our pits thanks to the flashing signs.

    Here’s a quick video of us getting our doors blown off by Koenig Racing last year at the Fallon night race with the number panels flashing.

  • The Hartl Bend

    Crusty demonstrates the Hartl Bend.

    Paul Hartl, Canadian rally driver, came out of nowhere to take Class 11 racing by storm. Sidelined in 2010 with a blown engine, he forged a relationship with Desert Dingo Racing in 2011 and was key to our second place finish at the VORRA USA 500.

    The downside is the dude is like 6 feet, 15 inches tall, and most of that is legs. Srsly, he’s like the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar of Stock Bug off road racing. Ferdinand Porsche wasn’t thinking of Paul when he designed the Volkswagen Beetle, and Paul emerged from the car at the end of the 500 with his knees beat to heck.

    Desert Dingo Racing is nothing if not accommodating, so we put our best people on developing a solution. That solution is the “Hartl Bend”, a rethinking of the piece of roll cage that normally cuts across the dash to provide structural rigidity. It provides mounting points for our Rugged Radios radio and intercom, but sits higher and bends over the steering column so Paul won’t require multiple visits to sports medicine doctors to correct the damage that would otherwise be inflicted.

    Paul and Emme will reprise their driving roles at The 24 Labor Day weekend.

    It’s not just us, though. Paul’s set on racing the Baja 1000 this year, so I hooked him up with my very good friend Gustavo Garayzar in Mexicali who’s doing the 1000 this year. Paul’s flying in to Vegas prior to the The 24, driving to Mexicali, meeting with Gustavo and his team, driving back to Vegas, driving to Fallon for the race, then driving back to Vegas for his flight back to Ontario, Canada. The dude lives to drive. Gustavo will also likely incorporate the Hartl Bend into his Class 11.

    With Burning Man approaching, most everyone on the team will be out on the playa. So for The 24 we’re shanghaing Romy and Dave (the new guys), Tut and Pepper Cote of TutTech Racing, Emme Hall of Hall Ass Racing (and her dad) and Paul.

    Work day today. The rebuilt engine goes in. We weld on a completely new nose (to the car). A new front bumper. I chase some electrical gremlins. Who’s the new guy?

    How Class 11 rolls at Burning Man. (Flying saucer courtesy of artist Carl Deckart).

    P.S. Emme has teamed with Michele Martineau to create Courage Racing Gazelles to race the Rallye Aicha des Gazelles in early 2012 They will be formidable.

  • Desert Dingo Racing featured in Gearbox Magazine

    Get a haircut, hippie

    Someone needs a haircut.

    Gearbox Magazine editor Brian Driggs got it in his head that it might be interesting to do a piece on Desert Dingo Racing. We bounced emails back and forth and this is the result. I love my Stig shirt.

    Desert Dingo: A True Story of “Dust to Glory”

    For those who haven’t seen it yet, “Dust to Glory” is an epic movie about what it takes to run the Baja 1000 in Mexico. There probably isn’t a gearhead on the planet who hasn’t watched that flick and thought, “OMG. I wanna do that.” Jim Graham is one such gearhead, and OMG. He actually went out and did that.

    Read the rest of the story…

  • 1107s new home

    It's got million dollar views


    Gravel floor = swank.

    We moved 1107 to its new home over the weekend. Back up into the Santa Cruz mountains (from its previous location up in the Santa Cruz mountains). The move went amazingly flawlessly and we’re hard at work to get ready for the first desert race of the season May 27-30 in Yerington. The pan is being worked on there. The new body being massaged at Desert Dingo HQ. Work day at both locations this weekend.

    Some photos from the move. The parking lot photo was taken just before Shawn, Skid, Billy and I got into an argument over which form of racing is more awesome – IRL, NASCAR, MotoGP or motocross (it’s NASCAR).

    Two other bits of news. Just passed 25,000 downloads of our iPhone, iPod and Android mobile app. And we nailed a trifecta in the current issue of Dusty Times. A photo of 1107 appeared in the VORRA full page ad for the race season. We got mentioned in the Prairie City I race recap.Black and white doesn't do justice to Skittles rainbow of colors


    Thank you Jessica and Nathan for your help at PC I.

    Last thing: Planning for the 1000 has already begun…

  • Meet 1107. 2.0

    Crusty and I spent the day stripping down the body that will be 1107 2.0. Crusty pulled the fenders and focused on cleaning up the engine compartment. I removed all the glass, rubber and any mechanical stuff (window cranking stuff, windshield wiper) that we wouldn’t be using.

    Tomorrow we strip out the last remnants of what factory workers in Germany put in it to make it a consumer car.