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Bob and Lefty race the first moto at the March 20-21 VORRA season opener.
Watch Bob and Lefty in Sports | View More Free Videos Online at
Bob and Lefty race the first moto at the March 20-21 VORRA season opener.
Shot of Jason Mace (1169) doing visualization exercises in advance of his very first race at Battle at Primm.
The cool thing about running the blog is that you can pick on other racers and, unless they know how to configure WordPress, they’re pretty much powerless to fight back.
We’ve switched from SNORE to VORRA (our first race is in three weeks), but SNORE went first with the Battle of Primm out at fabulous Primm, Nevada. You can see Jason and all the other SoCal Class 11s in this video from OMA productions.
(thanks to Pepper Cote of Tut Tech Racing for passing along the photo of Jason)
On top of everything else, it’s raining. And there’s NASCAR on. I think folks are gathering tomorrow to prep the car for the Mint 400.
We’re back in the pack there somewhere. I think this video is best if you hum the theme song for “Benny Hill” while watching it.
And here’s a shot of us getting cut off by some guy not using his turn signals.
Wait…let’s see that from another angle…
Bob and Richard in the car…
Shawn’s better half, Lauren, took got some great shots from this weekend’s Battle at Primm. Folks are loading more photos and video and we should have more soon. Lauren also volunteered her Scion for parts duty.