Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Battle at Primm

  • Two weeks to Battle at Primm and counting

    On the road again

    That’ll buff right out…

    Two weeks to Primm and we’re buttoning the car up. We re-attached the hammered out fenders, installed the rear skid plate, adjusted the shifter and clutch and installed the rear bumper.

    Took it for a run around the neighborhood and decided some more teesting is in order, so we’ll out to Hollister Hills next Saturday for a shakedown cruise. Sunday the fenders get painted. Then on to Vegas.

    Photos of today’s work here…

  • Three weeks to Battle at Primm and we’re hard at work

    Bustin' ass

    It’s three weeks to Battle at Primm and we’re working like crazy to get the car ready. Scott, Bob, Richard, Cary, Skid, Shawn and I showed up at Creech’s mountaintop retreat today. We installed the transmission, then the engine, then got the electrical and hoses connected, put in a new steering damper and fired her up. Bob also had his heart set on a front end alignment before terrorizing the neighborhood. Cary and Shawn worked on some new fenders we got courtesy of Bradford Racing in Prunedale.

    Rather than trash those perfectly good fenders during the gold rush start of 14 Stock Bugs at Primm, we’re opting to hammer out and rattle can paint our existing fenders.

    Gallery of photos from today’s work here.

  • Transmission in hand

    Bob and Richard do the heavy lifing

    Bob and Richard doing the heavy lifting…

    We picked up our rebuilt transmission from Steve Bradford with Bradford Racing Products in Prunedale. He used the Super Beetle case and most if its innards, and modified the gearing per SCORE spec. Steve (who’s won the Baja 1000 in the past) and his son Travis also donated a couple of fenders, a rim and a new reverse lock out shifter. We’ll be dropping off our other spare Super Beetle case to have him build a another for us.

    Transmission and engine installation will likely be this Sunday. Shawn will be painting the replacement fenders. After that, Creech hauls the whole kit and kaboodle to the CHP to get it inspected in advance of getting it green stickered, which will allow us to run it on BLM land.

    Countdown to Battle at Primm has begun.

  • Herding cats for the BAP


    Seth “I *am* Logistics” Schrenzel is starting to marshall the troops for the Battle at Primm Feb. 13-15 in Southern Nevada. We shouldn’t, technically, need a chase truck, (three laps on a 10 mile course), but we still need to figure out who’s going and what we’ll do if the car breaks between the Saturday and Sunday events.

    So far it’s looking like Richard and Joyce, Skid, Creech (towing 1102), Ice, Bob and me.

    Richard reports that we should get the repaired transmission back from Bradford Racing by Thursday. Shawn will paint the replacement fenders next weekend and we should be good to go.

    Top photo of another VW racing somewhere in South America.

  • Getting ready for the Battle at Primm

    Battle at Primm logo

    We’re ramping up for the Battle at Primm Feb. 13-15 out in southern Nevada. Richard took our transmissions to Steve Bradford with Bradford Racing Products in Prunedale. We expect to have at least one transmission ready to go shortly.

    Richard also spent a day with Robert (1110) out on Bureau of Land Management land out near Panoche and Mercy Hot Springs. We’ll definitely spend some driving time out there before Primm. Sounds like ideal practice space.