Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Canepa Design

  • Field trip to Canepa Design

    Field trip to Canepa Design

    Whew! My Porsche 917K in the Gulf color scheme is still there.

    All work and no play makes Desert Dingo a dull race team. When I heard Canepa Design was doing its last “Cars and Coffee” event of the season, I put the word out. Our tame racing driver Dave (who is nearing completion of his Group T El Camino) and Ryan Crook of CBCFS Racing joined me for the event.

    Surrounded by millions of dollars worth of exotic sports cars, what am I taking photos of? Right, the workshop set up.

    This is ingenius. Put all the small parts in baggies, label them and tape the baggies to the wall. Never lose a part.

    Bolts. Just…bolts.

    This McLaren MP4-12C was my favorite car in the whole world until they showed off the P1 in Paris.

    Photos from today’s field trip…