Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Class 11

  • What’s in a name?….err…number?

    We had some discussion about car numbers over the weekend. While we have super secret code names (DS-1, DS-2 etc). We need official car numbers to race. I pinged the Class 11 Coalition forums and so far the info is pick one and hope for the best. In looking at a few of the pics on various Class 11 sites I get an idea of what is likely taken. So far I’ve seen cars with 1101, 1110, 1111, 1146, 1169, 1183, 1189, etc.

    I looked up some police radio codes and found some good candidates. I’m partial to 1125 (Traffic Hazard!)

    11-24 Abandoned automobile.
    11-25 Traffic hazard.
    11-48 Furnish transportation.
    11-54 Suspicious vehicle.
    11-71 Fire.
    11-85 Tow truck required.

    Anyone else have ideas?


  • What are the odds?

    Driving through Scotts Valley on Saturday I saw a red VW in a bank parking lot with a large No. 11 on it.

    Roxanne was kind enough to allow me a quick detour and lo and behold, it was a Class 11 VW for sale – $1500.

    Turns out the two guys who built it raced it once, loved racing so much that they’re moving up to another class. I’m talking to the team about it. Assuming it has decent compression and the transmission doesn’t grind, we’ll pick it up. I figure we can get a couple of desert races under our collective belts this year and take our time building our car for the Baja 1000.

    Updates as they occur.

  • Silt – Nature’s way of saying "You’re not worthy"

    We figure our greatest two concerns are going to be big rocks and silt. Big rocks we can probably drive around, considering all we have to do is average 25 mph to finish the Baja 1000 in 40 hours. Silt is what concerns us.

    Sure we’ll have a tow rope, but that’s counting on someone being around the silt and in a mood to help us out.

    I guess you just have to floor it and hope for the best.

  • This won’t be us

    Another video clip, this one from the 2007 Baja 250. It was bad enough I was getting car sick just watching it, but the last 15 seconds put it over the top.

  • More hott VW racing

    Ok, so we plan to shell out for secondary clamps for the trunk and hood.