Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Diabetes

  • First photos of IDF/Desert Dingo event at the Cannery

    Desert Dingo Racing and the International Diabetes Federation at the Cannery on Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco

    Ruth with CPMG sent me a link to her Flickr photo set shot as we were setting everything up for the June 8 public event with the International Diabetes Federation at The Cannery on San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf.

    You can check out the shots here. Lane and Mitch, who were shooting for the IDF, should have some shots online shortly.

    More news to come…

  • Hero cards have arrived!

    Desert Dingo Racing hero card front photo

    I picked up the hero cards that Roxanne designed from Business With Pleasure today and the response has been great. Pretty much the first thing everyone says is “Coooooooool.” Then I get to say “As a matter of fact, I am a race car driver.”

    We’ve got 5,000 and will be autographing them this Sunday at the International Diabetes Federation public event at The Cannery on Fisherman’s Wharf from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you’re in the area, come on by.

    Check out the PDF version of the back of the card.

  • DDR plug on great diabetes blog – Diabetes Mine

    Amy Tenderich writes one of the most informative blog in diabetes-related issues – Diabetes Mine. I wanted to thank her for mentioning our June 8 event at The Cannery on Fisherman’s Wharf

    Desert Dingo Racing — Jim Graham and his diabetic Desert Dingo Racing team will make a Sunday appearance at San Francisco’s famous Fisherman’s Wharf. They’ll be autographing “hero cards” featuring photos of their 1969 VW Beetle decorated with warning signs of diabetes on the back. The IDF will be handing out boxes of crayons that also have the warning signs printed on them, and a couple of companies will be offering free diabetes screening.

  • International Diabetes Federation & Desert Dingo Racing Host Diabetes Awareness Event at Fisherman’s Wharf

    1117 in pieces

    I’m sure it’ll be ready by next Sunday*


    June 8 event will promote the theme of this year’s World Diabetes Day campaign and showcase Desert Dingo Racing’s ‘World Diabetes Day” Baja 1000 race VW

    SAN FRANCISCO, June 1, 2008 – The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), its World Diabetes Day official partners and Desert Dingo Racing will co-sponsor a public event at The Cannery on Fisherman’s Wharf on Sunday, June 8 to promote diabetes awareness and education.

    The Federation will be distributing World Diabetes Day (WDD) material to draw attention to diabetes in children and inform people of the warning signs of diabetes. Desert Dingo Racing will have its 1969 VW Beetle (the World Diabetes Day car), which raced the 2007 Baja 1000, and team drivers will be on hand to sign hero cards, which also have the warning signs of diabetes printed on them.

    Read the entire press release here.

    * Relax. This is 1117, which I’m painting at my leisure. 1101 is dialed.

    P.S. This is what it looks like when you steal a race motorcycle at yesterday’s Baja 500, throw it in the back of your pickup and tear off into the night, but forget to turn off the GPS transponder.

    Race motorcycle stolen during Baja 500

  • “You don’t have a fork lift, do you?”

    DHL delivery of 4,000 boxes of crayons

    4,000 boxes of crayons arrived yesterday. DHL driver Clint got a running start in reverse and got the van most of the way up the driveway. I didn’t have a fork lift, so we unloaded an entire pallet’s worth of custom Crayola crayon boxes onto the patio.

    IDF crayon boxFrom there I hauled them up the side of the house – in 90 degree heat – and into the guest room, which is the coolest part of the house. 4,000 boxes, 24 boxes to a carton. 167 cartons. In the heat. The cats now use them as a perch to watch out for other cats.

    We’ll be using the crayons at a public event on Sunday, June 8, with the International Diabetes Federation and several of their corporate partners at The Cannery on Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. We’ll have the car and will be signing hero cards, the IDF will be handing out crayons and I’m pretty sure the partners will have educational materials and might be offering blood glucose testing. (The crayons, btw, have the warning signs of diabetes printed on the back) and each box includes a “Sky Blue” crayon – the color of the World Diabetes Day circle logo.

    I’ll have more on this event as it gets closer, but definitely mark your calendars. We’ve even lined up Skid to DJ the hits of the 50s, 60s and 70s. It should be a rockin’ time.

    Here’s a shot of the crayons, softening in the heat before I got them into the house:

    Crayons stacked on the patio