Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Eric Solorzano

  • And we take third overall in SNORE Class 11

    Our personal version of Dust to Glory.

    And we complete our first full season of racing with a podium finish in third place behind two amazing teams – Felipe Neri-Sanchez and Robert Johnson.

    Six SNORE races and the Baja 1000. Third in class at SNORE and 32nd out of 535 entries. Not too shabby for our first full season of racing. Richard Palasik, our driver of record for the SNORE series, will pick up our trophy at the awards ceremony at the Golden Nugget in Vegas on January 9.

    We have a lot planned for 2010. Stay tuned. And thank you for all your support.

  • Already planning our invite list for Baja 1000 2010

    Robby Gordon and Desert Dingos mentioned in the same sentence is probably about as close as we’ll ever get to each other in Baja.

    Ryan McGee isn’t just a great NASCAR writer. He’s a great writer in general and I love reading his stories in ESPN Magazine and on ESPN Online. He’s actually at the top of my RSS feed. He was even kind enough to do an online piece on us during our second attempt at tht 1000 last  year.

    I was hoping he’d be able to accompany us this year, but a little thing called The Chase precluded it. Next year, however, for sure. Because you don’t know racing until you’ve had a chorizo pizza the size of a car hood delivered by some guy on a motorcycle.

  • Setting up operations at Estero Beach RV Park

    What could be more perfect than a beachfront RV park with its own race track?

    We head to Mexico a week from tomorrow. We’ll all meet in the Wal-Mart parking lot and cross the border. Eric Solorzano has his shop set up in the Barnyard in Rosarita Beach. We’ll likely stop there on our way to the Estero Beach RV Park, which comes with its own dirt race track where we hope to do some tweaking.

    If you’ve got Google Earth, this .kmz file has waypoints for the Barnyard, the RV park and race track, the Baja 1000 start/finish line and the entry into the wash.

    All I want for my birthday tomorrow is a race car. The trucking company is assuring me it will be here “no later than Tuesday.”

  • We’re 1104 for the Baja 1000

    How come Eric always get to be 1101? I’m sure it has nothing to do with him having 41 Baja wins, including 9 Baja 1000 first place finishes.

    Five registered so far the the Baja 1000. Eric (naturally). Michael Brown is the team from Alaska. Dolores Casarez is a new name. I’m pretty sure Gustavo raced last year. And us.

    SCORE has announced that the 2010 Baja 1000 will be a straight shot from Ensenada to Cabo San Lucas. That’s more expensive since the teams use a lot more fuel for all the chase and support vehicles, which next year will have to drive all the way back up the Baja Peninsula.

    Ok, once we win the 1000, this video convinced me to race Dakar:

  • SNORE 250 starts in a few hours

    We made it to Primm, Nevada with minutes to spare for the mandatory SNORE 250 driver’s meeting last night (3 hour layover at the Barstow Community Hospital). Got registered, picked up the radio, safety vests and tracking sheets where we’ll be doing Checkpoint 1, and got 1107 through tech.

    Engine was still running rough and our guys, 14-time Baja winner Eric Solorzano and another team were working on it at 10 p.m. Appeared to be fouled spark plugs.

    Roxanne and I are up now, getting ready to head out to set up at Checkpoint 1, where we’ll be for 12 hours. I’ll be tweeting updates from @desertdingo.