Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Forza

  • Desert Dingo in Forza Motorsport 7

    Desert Dingo in Forza Motorsport 7

    This news comes a bit belatedly, but I just learned 1107 is included in Forza Motorsport 7, which launched in October 2017 and sold 1.32 million copies worldwide. This is in addition to being in Forza Horizon 2 (1.46 million copies worldwide) and Forza Horizon 4, which launched earlier this month and surpassed 2 million online players in one week. Still images by GTDNick72.

    And here’s what it looks like in the game…

  • Desert Dingo coming to Forza Horizon 4

    Desert Dingo coming to Forza Horizon 4

    Desert Dingo Racing first appeared in Forza Horizon 2 back in 2015. We’re making a comeback in 2018 as part of Forza Horizon 4, to be released for xBox in October.

    We even make an appearance in the E3 launch video:

  • Forza Horizon 2 – Driving 1107

    Forza Horizon 2 – Driving 1107


    Now that 1107 has been released, people have had some time to drive and quite a few have posted their drive videos online.

    I want to hire this guy to drive the real car.

    Bump it to AWD and 928 hp and it’s an “all wheel drive monster.” This guy drives it like a boss. He’s not keen on the turning radius, but neither are we, but the bumpstops are necessary to keep the tires from hitting the fender wells.

    You can all the videos of 1107 in FH2 here.

    And here’s some more in game photos, courtesy of SPQR Jackson:

  • Forza Horizon 2 – we’re in it!

    Forza Horizon 2 – we’re in it!


    We’ve been under NDA for so long I feared we may perish! It’s official that 1107 is in Forza Horizon 2 from Turn 10 Studios. FH2 has sold more than 1.4 million copies worldwide and we are part of the the March DLC car pack that also includes one from some guy named Turner Foust.

    You have to check out the teaser for the game:

    When Turn 10 first contacted us and said they were interested in having 1107 in the game I was like “Why on earth would anyone want to drive it when you can drive a Ferrari?” but they said “Trust us” and we did.


    1107 looks more perfect than it ever has in real life and most of our sponsors gave the green light to have their logos included on the car. It handles pretty much like the car does in real life (like a loaf of bread) and the only thing missing is the smell of burning oil.

    Here’s a video of the car in action on launch day (skip to 6:30 into the video to get to the good stuff)

    Response from FH2 players has been pretty good. And here’s a gallery of shots of the car.