Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Mint 400

  • Timed out at the Mint 400

    Timed out at the Mint 400


    Romy and Brian talk to the press after completing the first lap.

    UPDATE: The team retrieved Toby, Rosh and the car at about 1:10 a.m. Sunday morning. Everyone is fine, but tired. Apparently while we were being waved around a stuck vehicle, another truck tried to pass us by driving over our rear fender (thanks!). We then got stuck in the silt and after many attempts to get out, blew a transmission. Because we could do recovery until after the main race, we couldn’t get in to get them out until after 10 p.m. The team will go in to Pit B this morning to load up the car and then head home.

    It was a pretty good run, but we timed out when the course shut down at noon to prep for the main race. Romy and Brian said the course was technical, and we had an issue with the throttle (that was fixed with two zip ties), but other wise the car is running well. Toby and Rosh are on the course now and we’re waiting to hear what their status is.

  • We make it to Vegas!

    We make it to Vegas!


    No trip to Vegas is complete without a stop at the San Juan Bakery for apricot turnovers, which they’ve been making for at least 40 years.

    12+ hours later, we made it to Vegas. Me in the Baja bug. Brian Wallentine towing 1858 and Dave and Crusty trailering Brian’s monster Baja Bug.


    First to Pea Soup Anderson’s in Santa Nella!


    Then these guys showed up.


    This woman asked to have her photo taken with the car at a gas stop.


    Cripes the sun is setting and we’re still an hour out.


    Finally made it.

    Tomorrow includes snagging a pit, machine guns and bbq and the race vehicle parade down Las Vegas Blvd. Let’s hope I can get the GoPro charged for that.

  • Ready to race

    Ready to race


    Shots from this morning’s photo shoot courtesy of Josh Gatlin of Josh Gatlin Photography.

  • It’s a wrap!

    It’s a wrap!


    1107…er…1858 just got back from the wrap shop this afternoon and people love it. We’ll have more shots soon, but here’s a couple more quickies.



  • Paint scheme for the Mint 400

    Paint scheme for the Mint 400


    Our sponsor Mad Media has us going dark for the Mint 400. We love it. The car is prepped and gets delivered for the vinyl wrap Monday.

    (Click the image for a larger view).