Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Photos

  • Countdown to departure for the Baja 1000

    We (ok, Richard), needed to modify our light bar to accommodate the bigger TrailGlow HID lights we’ll be running for the first time at the Baja 1000.

    Among other things we accomplished yesterday: Modified the light bar to accommodate the larger TrailGlow HIDs, fabbed two rear view mirror nerf bars, installed a smaller fisheye rear view mirror in the car, chased down a short circuit in the electrical system, tweaked the rear skid plate to make it go in easier, hammered out and painted a new passenger front fender, organized the tool bags and spare parts bins, futzed with the GPS unit and eventually loaded the low-res SCORE GPS data in it, ate Roxanne’s pound cake, wired the pit signs, welded up the spare front end.

    Today, more of the same. Tomorrow we head out.

    A handful of photos from Saturday’s work.

  • Future home of Desert Dingo Racing

    Heavy metal parking garage.

    Richard, Scott, Crusty and Skid met earlier today to erect the frame of a workshop in Richard’s back yard that will soon be the new home of Desert Dingo Racing. The frame is up, as is the primary structure for the overhead crane (Did we mention we’ll have an overhead crane? Yes, we will.)

    The rush is to get the workshop enclosed by Thanksgiving because apparently Richard is having dinner for 30 in it. After that, it’s all ours. (I’m contributing a very cool Bilstein racing calendar).

    Photos from today’s barn raising are here.

  • Photos from the World Diabetes Congress

    Richard gives an interview to Diabetes al Dia.

    And we’re back from the World Diabetes Congress. Highlights from the show: Richard is a schmooze machine. We watched “Dust to Glory” 19 times over the course of five days staffing the Desert Dingo booth. People love 1107. A subset of those people really love being strapped into the five point harnesses “(Oh yeah, but imagine being strapped in for four hours in a non-stop car crash.”)

    1107 will be back back on a truck today (hopefully by now) and back in Felton in 10 days. Now we shift to Baja 1000 planning. TrailGlow is shipping new night driving lights and safety vests. EMS Sky Connect is shipping our secret weapon. Bilstein is re-tuning our shocks.

    Team meeting sometime next week.

    Random photos for the World Diabetes Congress.

  • Shots from the SNORE 250

    You don’t know fear until an 850 horsepower Class 1 plows to a stop 20 feet from you so the driver can adjust his helmet.

    Playing catchup. Photos from last weekend’s SNORE South Point 250. We’re still third in class and 24th overall (out of 316). Not bad for our first full season of racing.

    Dan, who is transporting 1107 to Kenmore, NY, where it will be picked up by another driver for final transport to the Montreal Convention Center, called and said he’s in Salt Lake City and bound for Wyoming. Richard and I will meet 1107 in front of the convention center some time between 7 and 8 a.m. on October 16 and drive it through the front doors. Then we’ll have a day to prep it for the World Diabetes Congress.

    Photos from the 250 here.

    And for the hard core offroad geeks out there, here is a 360 degree view of Checkpoint 1 at sunrise.

  • Buttoning up 1107 for the SNORE 250

    As a matter of fact I do know which end of an impact wrench to hold.

    The SNORE South Point 250 is a week away and we’re buttoning up 1107. Crusty and Scott fiddled with the fuel pump pressure regulator. Carrie spray painted all the tools (so we can keep track of them) and packed the tool kits based on our laminated lists. Scott also installed the lights (we won’t need the night lights for Saturday’s race as it’s only two 60 mile loops.)

    Crusty’s been welding 3/8s inch diameter rod into the rims and Richard will take them to Dixon Tires to get all the tires put back on. Oh, and I pulled the tires, installed the fenders and then put the tires back on, you haterz.

    Car and equipment get loaded into Creech’s toy hauler Thursday night and we’re all wheels up gawdawful early Friday morning for the drive out to Vegas. This race is also the Stock Bug Challenge II, and we’ve got 13 Class 11s entered. Should be a good race. This race will have Richard and Crusty and Scott ‘n Carrie in the car. Roxanne and I will staff a checkpoint or road crossing for the bonus 25 team points.

    Some shots from today’s work day.