Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Photos

  • BF Goodrich Nation of Go team makes us look gooood

    You should see the outtakes and bloopers reel.

    As previously mentioned, BF Goodrich’s Nation of Go team stopped by Sunday afternoon while most of us were standing around watching body-and-paint man Shawn Kovach-Long paint 1107.

    Roxanne made a nice chili, because, as everyone knows, a race team marches on its stomach.

    We talked about their project, we talked about racing, we talked about our working with the International Diabetes Federation and raising awareness about the risks posed by diabetes. It was a great time and they’re doing a great thing. We wish them the best of luck.

    Click on this cool shot of Shawn to go to Nation of Go’s Flickr set of their visit.

  • Painting 1107

    Shawn is about to paint his masterpiece.

    Today was Shawn’s day. Richard and I hooked up 1107 and towed it back to Creech’s place. While I stood around talking on the phone, Shawn turned a small garage into a paint booth, painted four fenders and then set to work on 1107’s body.

    Creech’s next door neighbor Shep saved our bacon by allowing us to plug the air compressor into one of his outlets, and, when we kept tripping the circuit breaker, brought over an extension cord that could probably power a Space Shuttle launch. (Prior to all this, we’d recharge the compressor in Creech’s main garage, drag it through the gravel down to the makeshift paint booth, Shawn would paint as much as he could and then I’d drag it back up the driveway to recharge it. Ghetto.

    It was too dark (and it was raining) for me to get any “after” photos, but safe to say 1107 is looking spiffy.

    Photos from today’s shoot here.

  • Bondo heals all wounds

    I am of the opinion that bondo is right up there with gravity, magnetism, subatomic attraction and duct tape when it comes to sticking to stuff.

    Shawn came by today and worked his magic on 1107’s dents, including the rather large gouge I’m pretty sure I made trying to kick the jack off the car during my ill-fated seat time at the Mint 400. While he worked on smoothing out the body in advance of painting, I pulled fenders off 1117. The goal will be to paint them at the same time.

    Richard came by. We called a quick meeting, mostly as an excuse to play Baja: Edge of Control on the xBox. They were both good, but no match for my mad skillz.

    Big announcement tomorrow. Photos from today’s work here.

  • KC Hilites Midnight Special – Day One

    Any racer who loves his or her mom so much that they put it on their car is ok with me.

    Up at 3:15 a.m. On the road an hour later. Arrived in Ridgecrest with a thousand yard stare around noon-ish.

    Found the hotel, then drove out and found the pits. Met up with Jason Mace of Class 11 Coalition and eventually Class 11 driver fame. The plan was to meet up later and he’d take Richard out for a run around the course later in the afternoon.

    Roxanne and I headed back to the hotel to catch up on some much needed sleep. Not sure what Richard and his brother-in-law did. Scott and Carrie were inbound in “The Cube” and eventually Creech and Crusty departed with 1107 in the toy hauler. Seth and Kristy were inbound in Seth’s chase truck and hauling a small sleeping trailer.

    Eventually made it over to Contingency and Tech, where the cars were being inspected. Bought the hat and the shirt, purchased the GPS track from PCI, which I’ll load into the 1107’s GPS unit tomorrow.

    Tomorrow all the drivers and co-drivers will pre-run the course. we’ll get the data loaded in the GPS unit, we’ll get last minute tweaks done then hit the afternoon driver’s meeting where we get last minute updates from race organizers. Drivers and co-drivers will head to the pits and those of us staffing road crossing 11 will load up and head out. Assuming there’s internet connectivity, I’ll be updating via Twitter at @desertdingo .

    Shots from todays activity, courtesy of Roxanne.

  • Buttoning up 1107

    1107 in repose in dry, flammable grass.

    Crusty, Bob, Richard, Creech and, to a greatly lesser extent I, prepped 1107 for its trip to Ridgecrest, California for the KC Hilites Midnight Special.

    Shocks – installed. Quick release steering wheel – installed. Radio – moved. Hood – installed. Headlights – ok, we’re not a NASCAR team. We’ll dial them in on Friday.

    1107 is in the toy hauler. Tomorrow we load tools and everything else. Friday, at various ungodly hours, we head east.

    A gallery of photos from today’s work here.