Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Photos

  • Finally got the photo gallery updated

    Screen capture of the Desert Dingo Racing photo gallery

    This was long overdue but I finally took some time to add all our work day photo galleries online and (I know this is crazy) labeled them with what we were actually doing, so folks can follow our progress and figure out what we were actually working on each day.

    Also added the shots from the 1000 and the San Felipe 250. You can check them all out here.

    The front part of the transmission gets fedexed off to Transworks today.

  • All hands on deck

    All hands on deck

    First the bad news. We have to ship a piece of the transmission to SoCal to be fixed. The good news is it’s a small piece – a bushing and the “hockey stick” part of the shifter. That goes out to Transworks by Fedex on Monday. Hopefully we’ll have it back by Friday.

    Cary and Scott focused on the front bumper. Richard finished up some welding on the rear end and briefed us on a spares list we’ll start working to collect. Bob and Skid looked after the transmission. Crusty worked on everything. Shawn and I discussed a new paint job. We’re joined by Mike Taylor (of DPW fame), who knows his way around a VW and will be working with Seth on Chase Truck duty.

    Gallery of photos from today’s gathering is here.

  • Fenderless

    The shocks aren’t on. Nor are the fenders. But check out the clearance we have now, courtesy of Eric, Sam and Crusty.

  • A weekend of work on 1101

    Crusty and Sam work on hammering out the front end of 1101.

    Eric Solorzano and his longtime friend and co-driver “Yosemite” Sam drove up to San Jose this past week to work their magic on 1101. By the time they buttoned it up on Saturday afternoon, we had a good 3-4 additional inches of clearance on the front, 4-5 inches in the rear and the Solorzano-built engine sounds like a beast.

    Crusty and Sam also hammered out the front end that got smushed at the San Felipe 250 and they extended the roll cage to give more structural support at the front of the car.

    Check out a handful of photos from Friday here.

    We still have some more work to do. Eric has taken our shocks back down to Bilstein for re-valving and repair. We also need to pull the transmission and send it down to Transworks for some tweaking.

    Here’s 1101 parked next to Eric’s car at the 250. Definitely shows the need for some expertise to get us a bit more ground clearance.

  • 1101 in new IDF booklet on World Diabetes Day

    World Diabetes Day booklet

    The International Diabetes Federation folks have included a shot of 1101 in their new 30-page booklet promoting the World Diabetes Day 2008 campaign. The booklet is available to download as a pdf file in English, French, and Spanish. Click on the image above to download the version of your choice.