Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Photos

  • Playing catch up

    GPS and radio on the co-driver’s side of the dash.

    Getting caught up on photo sets. Some shots from Thursday night’s work.

  • Two days and counting

    Gratuitous photo of sparks.

    Two days to go and we’re buttoning up.

    Photos from Wednesday night’s work here.

  • Where’s Macgyver when you need him?

    The spirits of the forest consult with Scott and Charlie on the proper way to winch 1117 sideways as they practice in anticipation of their initial leg of the race.

    Scott and Charlie will be driving the third leg of the race (RM 203 to RM 305) which pre-runners say will be a “weeding out” section for a good number of racers. It’ll be dark, they’ll climb nearly 4,000 feet and the pre-runner data is marked with lots of little skull and crossbone symbols, indicating things that can take a car out of the race.

    That being the case, Scott, Charlie and Carrie (for moral support) came by last night to practice jacking, levering and winching 1117 in anticipation of what they’ll face in Baja.

    I swear the fog in the above photo was not there when I took it. Photos of winching here.

    P.S. Radios, antennas and rally logger mount arrived yesterday.

  • Four days and counting

    It’s coming together.

    The piece on us that was to air on KPIX apparently got bumped, so I expect it to run today or tomorrow. The GPS unit arrived yesterday and Crusty went to work cutting a more sturdy bracket for it.

    I’m calling Radio Bob to find out when the radios were shipped. Those are the last piece of equipment we’re waiting on. And I need to call Eric Solorzano this morning to figure out where we need to pit, since our cars are so similar, we can use the same pit strategy as he does.

    Charlie, Scott and Carrie are coming over this evening to practice using winches to pull 1117 up a hill, since I have the perfect driveway for it (dirt, potholed and steep, being the criteria).

    Photos from last night’s work here.

  • This time next week we’ll be in Mexico

    Scott knows what he’s doing. Don’t worry.

    With less than a week to go, we’re buttoning up the rear suspension, bolting in the battery, finishing the brake system and dialing in the logistics.

    Radios and GPS arrive tomorrow. And we wrap up coordination with Baja Pits for fuel placement.

    You can follow our final logistics meeting via our Twitter stream, which I expect to be updating via satellite phone during the race.

    Photos from today’s work day here.