Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Photos

  • Two weeks from now we’ll be in Mexico

    That screw Skid dropped has to be in here somewhere.

    It’s hard it describe how much we accomplished this weekend. Rich brought boxes of equipment donated by 4 Wheel Parts. Three three-thousand candlepower night-driving lights that will freeze deer in their tracks two miles out. An air horn that had people diving for cover. Enough switches to make Star Trek look like a 60s-era TV show.

    Seth led Saturday’s logistics meeting. We know the documentation we need and we know what we don’t know, as much as any first timers can. And we’ll be doing a conference call with Eric Sorlorzano (did we mention he won nine times?) to map out more of the logistics. Highlights from the meeting available on our Twitter stream.

    Rich and Crusty trailer 1146 to SoCal tomorrow for inspection. Eric will check out our handiwork and offer tips. Then it’s back up to San Jose for final tweaking, a paint job and practice driving.

    Photos from today’s work here.

  • Christmas in San Jose

    Carrie displays the latest in dashboard technology.

    Rich delivered boxes from 4 Wheel Parts. Three 3,000 candle-power driving lights, an air horn that had everyone diving for cover and assorted electronics to get us through the desert.

    We’re at two weeks and counting. Rich and Crusty trailer the car to SoCal on Monday for tech inspection.

    Jeff joins us and jumps in.

    Photos from today’s work here.

  • A cornucopia of photos from Mike

    I’m not seeing room for the 8-track

    Skid has been shooting photos over the past week. Some great shots in this gallery. Check it out.

  • Skid is only in this photo for perspective

    I drove the tires over from Scotts Valley. Richard drove the engine all the way from San Diego, having to spend a night in Orange County because of the fires.

    We put the tires on, which are breathtaking, and are buttoning things up so Richard can drive back down to SoCal for a Friday morning tech inspection. Then he’ll drive back, we’ll install the engine and have a running car by Sunday.

    More photos from tonight’s work here.

  • Work Day Fifteen

    There’s a “cut the blue wire” joke in this picture someplace.

    Seats and harnesses are in. We’re putting in the sections of roll bar that will also support the seats. We’re wiring dash instrumentation. Skips is mounting tires on our cherry rims on Monday. We have a great new sponsor I’ll be announcing shortly.

    I couldn’t sleep early this morning, and that means Skid shouldn’t sleep in either, courtesy of the Transformers website.
    Photos of today’s work here.