Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Prairie City

  • Desert Dingo Racing featured in Gearbox Magazine

    Get a haircut, hippie

    Someone needs a haircut.

    Gearbox Magazine editor Brian Driggs got it in his head that it might be interesting to do a piece on Desert Dingo Racing. We bounced emails back and forth and this is the result. I love my Stig shirt.

    Desert Dingo: A True Story of “Dust to Glory”

    For those who haven’t seen it yet, “Dust to Glory” is an epic movie about what it takes to run the Baja 1000 in Mexico. There probably isn’t a gearhead on the planet who hasn’t watched that flick and thought, “OMG. I wanna do that.” Jim Graham is one such gearhead, and OMG. He actually went out and did that.

    Read the rest of the story…

  • Bug Invasion II – The Bugs Strike Back – May 29 @ Yerington

    It's a walk off

    A lot of people have been asking me “Jim, when is there going to be another Bug Invasion like the one you did last year?”, and I told both of them “We’ve got at least four Class 11s showing up for the Yerington 300 on Memorial Day Weekend in picturesque Yerington, Nevada, so let’s do it then.”

    Bob Messer won the inaugural Invasion at Prairie City last year and took home the fabulous used bowling trophy (which he was required to display over his fireplace, displacing many family photographs), a 12 pack of PBR (which he says he still has and will donate to the cause) and $20 cash money.

    After this year’s race, I’ll borrow the trophy long enough to make some modifications that will turn it into a perpetual trophy that will rival the Stanley Cup.

    Yerington is a very fast course. I recall we spent a good chunk of it airborne. So far we’ve got VORRA 2010 Class Champion The Green Booger, 2010 Bug Invasion Champion Bob Messer, Team Desert Dawgs’ Jeff “Rattlesnake” Lee and Desert Dingo with the premiere of 1107 2.0 planning to race. I’m also inviting some NorCal folks who’ve expressed interest in building or buying a Class 11 car.

    A good time will be had by all. If you only race one race in Yerington this year, make it this one.

    Getting ready to defend their title

  • 1107s new home

    It's got million dollar views


    Gravel floor = swank.

    We moved 1107 to its new home over the weekend. Back up into the Santa Cruz mountains (from its previous location up in the Santa Cruz mountains). The move went amazingly flawlessly and we’re hard at work to get ready for the first desert race of the season May 27-30 in Yerington. The pan is being worked on there. The new body being massaged at Desert Dingo HQ. Work day at both locations this weekend.

    Some photos from the move. The parking lot photo was taken just before Shawn, Skid, Billy and I got into an argument over which form of racing is more awesome – IRL, NASCAR, MotoGP or motocross (it’s NASCAR).

    Two other bits of news. Just passed 25,000 downloads of our iPhone, iPod and Android mobile app. And we nailed a trifecta in the current issue of Dusty Times. A photo of 1107 appeared in the VORRA full page ad for the race season. We got mentioned in the Prairie City I race recap.Black and white doesn't do justice to Skittles rainbow of colors


    Thank you Jessica and Nathan for your help at PC I.

    Last thing: Planning for the 1000 has already begun…

  • Profile in Courage – Desert Dingo Racing

    I just can’t get enough of this photo of Shawn rolling 1107.

    VORRA has rolled out their new website and we’re featured as their first “Profile in Courage.” (Ok, that was my idea.) They’ll be doing them on other race teams in the coming months.

    Also learned that we scored a trifecta in this month’s Dusty Times. 1107 is one of the featured cars in a full page ad placed by VORRA. We get a mention in the recap of the first race of the 2011 season.

  • Short course racing in a Class 11

    This is basically what it’s all about.