Desert Dingo team member Lynda McNeil sang the National Anthem Sunday morning at the VORRA races at Prairie City. Yes, that’s Richard walking in front of the camera at the start.
Category: Prairie City
Crusty gets us on two wheels
Car cam video from the third moto at last week’s Bug Invasion I at Prairie City.Crusty gets us on two wheels. I honk at the fans. We have a near miss with a baby in a stroller.
“It looks like Jelly Bellies racin’ out there”
Car cam video from the first moto at last weekend’s “Bug Invasion I” at Prairie City, California.We had green, red, white and silver VW Beetles racing the VORRA series this past weekend and a good time was had by all, apparently including the race fans. One of them came up to me afterward and said “It looks like Jelly Bellies racing out there.”
Team meeting this Thursday night and probably a work day this weekend. More video to come.
Bug Invasion I is a wrap – Congrats to 1177 and Bob Messer
Bob Messer displaying the $20 cash money, 12-pack of PBR and the fabulous recycled bowling trophy he got for dominating Bug Invasion I in No. 1177
Back and sunburned from Bug Invasion I. Try as we might, we couldn’t flip 1107. We did DNF twice with blown fuse and fan belt issues, but “Bullet” Bob Russell got third place in the second moto. The great thing about racing Class 11 is the camaraderie (also the breakfast burritos, polish sausage, ribs and tri-tip).
I’ve got video from all three races that I’ll be posting shortly. For now you’ll have to settle with a photo gallery.
Lastly, thanks to everyone involved with VORRA for being so supportive of the return of Class 11s.
P.S. Watch for “Bug Invasion II – The Bugs Strike Back” in 2011.
Prepping for Bug Invasion I – with nail polish
Nail polish is hard.
When you have 10 people on the team who each have their own tool sets, one of the first things that happens is that tools get mingled. We’ve decided to mark our personal tools uniquely. One person took white (I think it was Whiteout). Another person took pink. I’ve opted for two lines of neon yellow.
Back to Prairie City this weekend. 1107 gets buttoned up on Wednesday. Team starts pulling in on Friday night. Practice and qualifying on Saturday. Racing on Sunday.