Desert Dingo Racing

Category: South Point 250

  • 1107 in Canada

    Thanks to Chris with Excelr8 Imagery for this great shot of 1107 from the SNORE 250.

    In a flurry of paperwork this morning we paid the trucking company, the customs broker, bought airline tickets and reserved hotel rooms. Tomorrow, we pick up hero cards.

    We meet 1107 on Friday morning in front of the Montreal Convention Center for the World Diabetes Congress on Friday.

    More to come.

  • Shots from the SNORE 250

    You don’t know fear until an 850 horsepower Class 1 plows to a stop 20 feet from you so the driver can adjust his helmet.

    Playing catchup. Photos from last weekend’s SNORE South Point 250. We’re still third in class and 24th overall (out of 316). Not bad for our first full season of racing.

    Dan, who is transporting 1107 to Kenmore, NY, where it will be picked up by another driver for final transport to the Montreal Convention Center, called and said he’s in Salt Lake City and bound for Wyoming. Richard and I will meet 1107 in front of the convention center some time between 7 and 8 a.m. on October 16 and drive it through the front doors. Then we’ll have a day to prep it for the World Diabetes Congress.

    Photos from the 250 here.

    And for the hard core offroad geeks out there, here is a 360 degree view of Checkpoint 1 at sunrise.

  • Great video of us getting pwned by a 16 car

    Here I was all set to get some great video of 1107 rounding the corner at Checkpoint One of the SNORE 250 in Primm, and this 16 car comes in and ruins everything!

    Photos tomorrow. We’re all bushed.

  • Unofficially fifth at the SNORE 250

    Rounding the curve at Checkpoint 1…

    One flat, but otherwise things went well. Unofficially fifth. Likely still third in class with one more race to go (two if you count the Baja 1000). More photos tomorrow, this place is charging us $11.99 a day for the internets.

  • SNORE 250 starts in a few hours

    We made it to Primm, Nevada with minutes to spare for the mandatory SNORE 250 driver’s meeting last night (3 hour layover at the Barstow Community Hospital). Got registered, picked up the radio, safety vests and tracking sheets where we’ll be doing Checkpoint 1, and got 1107 through tech.

    Engine was still running rough and our guys, 14-time Baja winner Eric Solorzano and another team were working on it at 10 p.m. Appeared to be fouled spark plugs.

    Roxanne and I are up now, getting ready to head out to set up at Checkpoint 1, where we’ll be for 12 hours. I’ll be tweeting updates from @desertdingo.