Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Sponsors

  • Bondo heals all wounds

    I am of the opinion that bondo is right up there with gravity, magnetism, subatomic attraction and duct tape when it comes to sticking to stuff.

    Shawn came by today and worked his magic on 1107’s dents, including the rather large gouge I’m pretty sure I made trying to kick the jack off the car during my ill-fated seat time at the Mint 400. While he worked on smoothing out the body in advance of painting, I pulled fenders off 1117. The goal will be to paint them at the same time.

    Richard came by. We called a quick meeting, mostly as an excuse to play Baja: Edge of Control on the xBox. They were both good, but no match for my mad skillz.

    Big announcement tomorrow. Photos from today’s work here.

  • International Diabetes Federation announces 2009 World Diabetes Day theme

    We’ve been working with the great people at the International Diabetes Federation in Brussels, Belgium since before our first attempt on the Baja 1000 back in 2007. We’re the official World Diabetes Day race car and take every opportunity at races to distribute information (like our hero cards) to race fans. We also do a drive-a-thon fundraiser to support the IDF’s education and awareness programs.

    They’ve just announced their new campaign for 2009-2013 and we’re looking forward to helping them spread the word. The key messages are:

    • Know the diabetes risks and know the warning signs
    • Know how to respond to diabetes and who to turn to
    • Know how to manage diabetes and take control

    They’ve done some great graphic design work and I’m hoping I can convince them to send us some of the posters to distribute at the Baja 1000 this coming November.

  • Everyone loves a parade

    We are having no luck in the fender department.

    Crusty and Charlie took 1107 to the lumberyard parking lot Saturday morning, joining the Lompico Ghost Mountain Riders, military vehicles, fire trucks, bands and horses for the annual Felton Remembers parade.

    The staging area is something out of a Fellini movie. Not sure whether the Big Foot guy was there, or the 4H kids who shaved their sheep to look like giant poodles and dyed them pink and blue, but there’s always a tow truck with a totaled car on the back and a “DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE” banner. And the last entry is always the local Honey Pot truck.

    Can anyone tell me whether that’s a real falcon on that guy’s head? Parade photos are here. (Thank you Monica).

    We have some time til the next race, the KC Hilites Midnight Special race.

  • Final night of prep before departing for the Baja 1000

    I accidently left the digital still camera at home, so decided to capture the final night of prep on the car with video. Richard, Dennis and I made a run up to Auburn to retrieve the trailer. Shawn completed the last of the painting and graphics. Bob, Scott and Cary did final buttoning up and then began pulling together all the spare parts and tools we’d be taking down with us. Elektra is headed to Sonoma today to pick up fuel cans we’re borrowing again from World Motorsports. Charlie even dropped by.

    The car moves from San Jose to Felton this afternoon and we head out for Mexico at the crack of dawn Thursay.

  • Laying down the decals

    Sponsor shout out

    Shawn and I (again, mostly Shawn) got started putting on sponsor decals and our numbers tonight. We needed to do some touch up on the paint, so we’ll finish it off tomorrow, after Richard and I return from Auburn with the trailer.

    Two days to Mexico and counting. Photos of Shawn’s handiwork here.