Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Technology

  • Baja 1000 in newspaper format

    Baja 1000 in newspaper format

    All my off road racing friends with whom I play Words With Friends have gone silent because cell phone time in Mexico is muy caro.

    To pass the time, I’m created the equivalent of a twice-daily newspaper collecting everything folks are posting online about the Baja 1000. You can check it out and subscribe to it here.

  • We hit 34,000 downloads of the iPhone & Android mobile apps

    We hit 34,000 downloads of the iPhone & Android mobile apps

    Thanks to everyone, we just achieved 34,000 downloads of our iPhone and Android mobile apps.

  • We’re huge in Saudi Arabia

    Recent check-ins using the Desert Dingo Racing iPhone and Android mobile apps.

    First weekend since January where we’re not prepping for the next race. We’re already making plans over the off season to rebuild this engine (Crusty suspects a broken valve) and build an exact duplicate of it. Also planning on having a second race-prepped transmission and a full front beam with all the bits and bobs.

    Engine and transmission come out next weekend. We’ll be cataloging spare parts and what we need to replace. The Baja 1000 is this coming week. We’re planning on returning to it in 2012. Our Canadian rally driver, Paul Hartl, will be driving with Gustavo Gayarzar’s Class 11 team at this year’s 1000.

    Approaching 34,000 downloads of our iPhone and Android mobile apps. Android had been dominating the downloads, but iPhones have been staging a comeback.

  • Check out the cherry (red) custom steering wheel for 1107

    This steering wheel is too pretty to put in the race car.

    Six foot, fifteen inch tall Canadian rally driver Paul Hartl, who carried the water for DDR at the USA 500, sent me this photo of a new steering wheel for his time in 1107 at “The 24” Labor Day weekend in Fallon. The extension moves the wheel closer to his chest, but most importantly it’s candy apple red flake. And it’s not dirty. That won’t last.

    1107 remains on the truck at its secret location in Scotts Valley. This week I get some tires and rims swapped and finish packing. And pray that our new Lowrance GPS unit arrives.

  • Rugged Radios comm install video

    We’re back from VORRA’s USA 500 and kicking the dust out of everything. Rugged Radio‘s chief of marketing, Matt, sent me a link to the video he put together covering the install of the X5500 VHF radio, VHF wide-band antenna and the RRP660 intercom.

    Music via MP3 player (my iPod Shuffle full of the hits of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s) plus a jack for my iPhone, so I can call the Green Booger on the course at night when it’s lonely and I need someone to talk to. Or order pizza.

    Greg and his son, who lives with Type 1 diabetes, do great work with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. And we work with the International Diabetes Federation. We’re working to raise awareness of diabetes and support their outreach and education programs.

    The comm worked flawlessly and 1107 can broadcast farther than it ever could before. This is a game changer for us.