Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Technology

  • First VORRA desert race at Yerington in just over two weeks

    This may have been 1107’s first wiring diagram

    Bill “The New Guy” Rickard came by the office yesterday and picked up the GPS unit, the VHF radio and our satcomm display to work his magic on 1107’s electrical system. I accidentally forgot the GPS/Iridium transceiver in the car and Richard picked it up earlier today and he will drop it at Crusty’s tomorrow.

    All this means we should be able to travel backward and forward in time finish a race without a short circuit knocking us out of the running in time for our first off road desert race of the season Memorial Day weekend at Yerington, Nevada.

    A work day this weekend. Updates as they occur.

  • Off road racing and social media

    From Crusty’s place to mine courtesy of Nation of Go’s iPhone app.

    I really like what the Nation of Go folks are doing. Creating a social network for drivers of all sorts. I’m more frustrated with the technology, aka the iPhone, because it doesn’t multitask, you can’t play Words with Friends and do a NOG Drive at the same time. Call me biased because they did a feature on us on their cross country tour.

    Anyway, here’s the route from Crusty’s place back to mine (I mis-labeled it.) You can find me on Nation of Go as DesertDingo.

    P.S. We’ve just passed through 1,200 downloads of the Desert Dingo Racing iPhone and Android apps.

  • Approaching 1,000 downloads of DDR iPhone and Android apps


    In a little over a month we’ve had nearly 1,000 folks download our iPhone and Android apps. The majority of users are in the U.S., but for some reason we’ve got a lot of people checking in from Europe and China. We’ve also got a few users in Mexico and one person in Venezuela. Now if only someone in Antarctica would download it.

  • Desert Dingo Racing launches mobile apps for the iPhone and Android

    APRIL 19, 2010, Felton, Calif. — Desert Dingo Racing announced today that it has released mobile applications for the iPhone and Android phones that will allow race fans to stay up to date on the team activities during their busy race season.

    “We’re pretty sure we’re one of the first off road racing teams to launch their own mobile applications,” said team co-founder Jim Graham. “Volkswagen did one specifically for the Touaregs racing Dakar, but I wanted to create something folks could use to follow us year ‘round.

    The apps aggregate the team’s Twitter feed, blog posts, Youtube videos and Flickr photo galleries. They also give users the opportunity to add their comments and check out other users around the world. The applications can be downloaded from the Desert Dingo Racing website.

    Desert Dingo Racing campaigns a 1969 Volkswagen Beetle in off road races in the U.S. and Mexico. The team is the official World Diabetes Day off road race team and works with the International Diabetes Federation to raise money for diabetes education and awareness programs. Two Desert Dingo team members have Type 2 diabetes and several other team members have a history of the disease in their families. The team makes the car available for public events and distributes thousands of hero cards with the warning signs of diabetes printed on the back in English and Spanish.

    “We’re not the fastest car in the desert but we’re probably one of the most high tech,” Graham said. “We were one of the first to use Twitter at the Baja 1000 in 2007 and last year we were the only team using electroluminescent number panels from TrailGlow and a satellite tracking and messaging system from EMS Sky Connect.”

    The iPhone app is available for download here and the Android version is available for download here.
    Read the entire press release here.

  • Desert Dingo Racing Android app goes live

    Thanks to the great folks at iSites and Genwi, we’ve just taken our Android phone app for Desert Dingo Racing live. The app aggregates our Twitter feed, blog posts, YouTube videos and photos posted to Flickr.

    You can download the Android app here. We also have an iPhone version in the works. Hoping it will go live in two to three weeks.

    Thank you, BurnKitty, for the screenshots.