Desert Dingo Racing

Category: The Car

  • Stripping for Montreal

    Last photo of the old decals before being stripped off for painting.

    We’ve got a really tight schedule between the SNORE 250 Oct. 2-4 and shipping the car to Montreal for the World Diabetes Congress Oct. 18-22 and then heading south for the Baja 1000 the second week in November. As a result, we’re giving the car its annual paint job now, touching it up and adding decals before shipping to Montreal.

    I got the decals stripped today and sanded down most of the body. Shawn’s coming by tomorrow to do more bondo and paint prep and at some point before the 250 we’ll do final painting.

    Got a cool announcement planned for Monday.

    Stripped for body work. 1117 is in back.

  • Definitely looking like the distributor

    1117 and 1107, united again.

    Scott and Bob came by Friday and spent five hours doing all manner of things with 1107’s electrical system. They eventually took it back to Bob’s place to test it on his cherry ride. Scott was back this morning (I’d trickle-charged the battery overnight) and we (ok, Scott) had the car running in about 10 minute. We couldn’t get the timing right and voted unanimously (2-0) to tell Bob to fix it.

    Since I’m ADD, it took me the rest of the afternoon to pull the fenders. And vacuumed the car. Supervised by a couple of deer.

    Tomorrow, the car gets washed and inventoried. And prepped for painting. Coming up, the SNORE South Point 250 in Las Vegas, the World Diabetes Congress in Montreal and the Baja 1000 in Mexico.

    1107 fenderless.

  • Less than a week to the KC Hilites Midnight Special

    Everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off on Sunday.

    We’ve got less than a week to go before the KC Hilites Midnight Special in Ridgecrest, California. The team met on Sunday and reinstalled the front skid plate, attached the fenders and moved the race radio so it’s now above the GPS unit on the co-driver’s side, nearly touching the roof.

    This gives the tall people quite a bit more leg room. Also, we don’t spend a lot of time futzing with the radio during the race, so moving it out of the way is fine. And this frees up room for an iPod dock.

    The folks at Bilstein finished the upgrades to the shocks this morning and we expect them here tomorrow.

    Some photos from Sunday’s work day.

  • We’re the Rig of the Month on Gear Centre Group’s 4×4 Club

    Ok, technically none of us are Canadian and, technically, we’re only two-wheel drive, but Trevor and his team were kind enough to name us August Rig of the Month on Gear Centre Group’s 4×4 Club website.

    We will, however, be heading up to Montreal in October to put the car on display for the World Diabetes Congress where I’ve set a personal goal of eating my weight in poutine.

    We’ll be working on Creech’s toy hauler this weekend. Bilstein is wrapping up work on our prototype “Ensenada” race package shocks, which will arrive Tuesday. And somewhere out on the East Coast, an R&D lab is putting the finishing touches on our secret weapon for the Baja 1000.

    The KC Hilites Midnight Special race is coming up August 8.

  • Sneak peek – the 2009 hero card

    First draft of the new Desert Dingo Racing hero card.

    Roxanne put together a first draft of the hero card we’ll likely use this year. The front has a picture of the car and the back has info on the team and the warning signs of diabetes. We print them in English and Spanish and this year we’ll be doing a run of them in French that we’ll distribute at the World Diabetes Congress in Montreal in October.

    Update: A.J. has a slightly different take on the hero card.