Desert Dingo Racing

Category: The Car

  • Sometime tomorrow we should pass 30,000 downloads of our iPhone & Android apps

    Now if only Steve Jobs would tell me who you all are.

    Bob Russell reports that the engine fired up nicely yesterday and he dropped off two more fenders he picked up at a VW show, bringing our total fender collection up over 300.

    Lowrance reports that our GlobalMap 5200C GPS unit, which we’ve had for four years, is kaput and is shipping us a new HDS 5M, which I think will also locate trout if we ever decide to take 1107 fishing. Shocks and tires should go on the car today. Two weeks to the “The 24“, which I will be live updating on the Twitter using the hash tag #The24.

  • Buttoning up

    That’s a pumper.

    More buttoning up today. Crusty focused on reinforcing the front end, something under the engine and welding supports for the front bumper. I installed the air pumper (which filters and pumps fresh air into our helmets), tested all the radio equipment, zip-tied several miles worth of wiring or tubes, installed the Camelbaks, and together we installed the doors, which is only six screws, but took for freaking ever.

    What’s left? Install the Bilstein shocks, which I’m hoping arrive Monday. Put the tires on. Load the spares. Wait for the new or refurbished GPS unit to arrive from Lowrance. Pick up the fuel drum and fill the speed just. Put the car on Crusty’s rat road hauler along with all the spare parts and tools and fuel.

    Bob reports he picked up two more fenders (we never have enough) at a Bug show today. He’s coming by tomorrow to start and break in the rebuilt engine. Sometime this week Crusty will install the bumper-mounted driving lights.

    Some photos from today’s work here.

  • Countdown to “The 24” begins

    Our new deck lid, replacing our old deck lid, which was crushed by 775 at VORRA’s USA 500.

    Crusty and I wrenched on the car on Saturday. Mostly Crusty. With the engine installed, Crusty filled it with oil provided by our new sponsor Motul. In addition to the engine, we have to add enough oil to fill the engine, 1.5 quart oil accumumulator and all the hoses and filters. The new front skid plate (we sort of lost the last one at the USA 500) is in from State Steel in Watsonville.

    I focused on everything comm, getting the radio and comm re-plugged in and going through all of 1107’s wiring to streamline wiring routing to ensure that nothing was exposed if it didn’t have to be, nothing was hanging where it could be snagged by anyone climbing in or out of the car or grabbing a tool or somesuch. Also picked up new Nylocks to make sure the air pumper doesn’t fall off during the race and a few bits and bobs at Home Depot.

    Buttoning up continues today. I’ll learn how to drive the rat rod hauler. We’ll fuel 1107 (so we can bring additional fuel in the speed jugs). We’ll go through a ton of zip ties. I’ll be duct taping a handheld mic in a zip lock baggie with a handheld mic somewhere in the car. Naturally I’ll test the ability to plug my old skool iPod shuffle into the Rugged Radios intercom. The new deck lid will go on and I’ll attach and wire the TrailGlow rear number panel. Everything is a process.

    That new model VW Beetle is still parked on the hauler in Felton. I’m this close to taking a blow torch to it.

  • “Close Encounters” has nothing on us

    For the 24, srsly, we’ll be looking like something out of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”.

    We’ve loaded so many lights on 1107, we’ll be a moving target for the Fallon NAS Aggressor Squadrons. This is the last major week of work. New skid plate goes on. We run the engine with the pre-oil and then the race oil. Rat rod truck is loaded. Which I’ll be driving to Burning Man. Hitching in on a Tuesday. Hitching out Thursday morning. Arriving Fallon pits that afternoon. The team on site that night.

    The Hartl Bend has been dialed.

  • Sparks fly in advance of VORRA’s 24 hour desert endurance race

    Romy puts the finishing touches on 1107’s rhinoplasty.

    Full day of work yesterday with Romy, Bob, Crusty and me. The rebuilt engine is in. Crusty and Romy focused on getting the new front clip fitted and installed. I chased down some electrical issues and cleaned up some wiring. Bilstein shocks are on their way back. GPS is being repaired. Three weeks to the VORRA “The 24” desert endurance race.

    Some photos from Saturday’s work. And here’s a new video of us by Jared Snider from the 2010 Yerington 300, which we won. Gives you an idea how loud it is in the car.