Skid has named 1146 “Casper the Friendly Race Car.”
Two days to go and we’re buttoning up.
Just got word that SCORE took about 15 minutes to go over the car and gave us the initial approval, recommending we add six gussets, I’m assuming to the roll cage.
Rich and Crusty are northbound and we resume work as soon as they get here.
It’s a good day.
Seth led Saturday’s logistics meeting. We know the documentation we need and we know what we don’t know, as much as any first timers can. And we’ll be doing a conference call with Eric Sorlorzano (did we mention he won nine times?) to map out more of the logistics. Highlights from the meeting available on our Twitter stream.
Rich and Crusty trailer 1146 to SoCal tomorrow for inspection. Eric will check out our handiwork and offer tips. Then it’s back up to San Jose for final tweaking, a paint job and practice driving.