Desert Dingo Racing

Category: The Car

  • Work Day Thirteen

    Check out the cherry race rim.

    Richard has headed off to Southern California to pick up the engine. The rims are back from the powder coater and they look fabulous. We opted for red in honor of Eric Solorzano’s car, since he’s been such a major help for us. Also started work cutting the new dashboard.

    It’s Cary’s birthday today and he’s celebrating by welding gussets. 🙂

    More photos of people holding stuff here.

  • Work Day Twelve

    Wasabi supervises Skid as he buttons up the rear suspension.

    The UPS truck is making nearly daily stops with equipment for the car. More work on the roll cage this weekend, along with work on the suspension. Seats are due any day. We’ve scheduled a meeting with SCORE on October 26 in SoCal to give the car an inspection. It’s coming together.

    Photos from Saturday’s work day are here.

  • Work Day Eleven – All hands on deck

    In this episode of “Pimp My ’69 Beetle”, Richard measures a side impact bar for the roll cage.

    The roll cage is coming together, transmission is installed, Eric has finished the engine and it’s ready to pick up. Here are some photos from Saturday’s work day.

  • 44 days and counting

    Cary employs the time-honored practice of “shouting it into place.”

    We’ve shifted to “nights and weekends” to ensure the car is ready. Tonight we fitted the body and trimmed the forward roll cage bar.

    A handful of photos here.

  • We’re taking body back

    The team risks a collective hernia hauling the body off Richard’s truck.

    We brought the body back from Skid’s place to do fitting as we start work on the upper levels of the roll cage.

    More photos here.