Desert Dingo Racing

Category: The Team

  • Mikeapalooza! Dec. 29 in San Jose

    Skid taking charge of something like he always does

    This is a benefit concert will be held @ Britannia Arms, Almaden, to assist Mike “Skid” Aquino with his medical expenses. With your help we can continue Skid’s COBRA payments, so he can continue to receive the medical attention his so urgently needs.

    Here is Mike’s story in his own words.

    “Magic Wanda” will hit the stage at about 9:15 with The Public Reunion of “3 Dicks and a Jane” to follow. We will ask a $10 donation @ the door. This is a bar so nobody under 21 please! The Britt is also a great place to eat so come early and keep your table for the show!

    Jill & Tom have set up a ‘Mike Aquino COBRA’ fund (The MAC Fund) to collect other donations, For PayPal: Send money to; as Services/Other. To send a check, Contact Tom at 408-828-2133 .

    Click here for all the details.

    Britannia Arms, Almaden
    5027 Almaden Expressway
    San Jose, CA 95118 US

  • Baja 1000 on NBC this Sunday (aka tomorrow)

    Scott & Seth's Excellent Adventure

    The Baja 1000 is on NBC this Sunday at 10 a.m. Pacfic Time. Aura 360 included a clip of Scott “Never Lift” Anderson going sub-orbital off the Red Bull jump in the Ensenada wash. There should be a segment on Eric Solorzano in this year’s show.

    Some clips from the show (and the soon to be released documentary) are here

  • Men at work

    Creech and Skid oversee Bob and Scott

    Let’s face it. Scott and Bob did the heavy lifting today (Sunday), though it didn’t exactly start that way.

    First we needed to move 1102 from my place to Creech’s. Richard was working on his tan in Hawaii (thanks for the phone call, man), so Creech volunteered his NYC cab with the 350 small block Chevy engine, stick shift and trailer hitch to move the car.

    Everything was cool till we got it all hooked up and were headed down the road when we realized we had a flat tire on the trailer. That required a set of bolt cutters followed by the realization that none of the eight tires on the trailer was a spare for the trailer. That was followed by a spate of phone calls and a trip to Costco where we picked up a new cheapo tire and killed time eating free food samples, because Creech had a Costco card.

    Got the new tire on the trailer and delivered the car to Bob and Scott, who were waiting at Creech’s for a couple of hours with bated breath. They dropped the engine and the tranny and started the autopsy. It became apparently, pretty quickly, that all that sparkly stuff was a good sign we’d trashed the gears. A rebuild is in order. If there’s any question after checking the photos, they got the most greasy this Sunday.

    The tranny is now in the back of my MPV, bound for a full autopsy by a local racer who also rebuilds transmissions. Just got a call from Bob who picked up a Baja Bug tranny that I’ll get from him tomorrow and also drop off with the race tranny builder. Gallery of photos is here.

  • And the repairs begin…

    A chorizo pizza, the size of the hood of a Baja 1000 pre-runner, delivered by motorcycle in Tijuana

    Sometime Sunday Creech is coming by with a Checker cab outfitted with a tow hitch to trailer 1102 to his place in Ben Lomond. Bob “Bus Boy” Russell, our team sommelier, will drop the engine and transmission. We’re pricing spare race transmissions as I write this, and looking to folks to rebuild our primary tranny.

    Photos tomorrow. It’s a new race day for the team.

    And, at Eric’s Tijuana workshop, that was the best chorizo and jalapeno pizza – the size of a car hood – I’d ever had.

  • Seventh overall in SCORE Class 11 standings

    Points standings for the SCORE 2008 series

    Considering we only did the San Felipe and the Baja 1000, we still racked up 64 points and finished 7th in all the Class 11s competing.

    Wait til we win both races next year.