Desert Dingo Racing

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  • Battle at Primm…first race today

    Like a herd of turtles…Class 11 mass start, Primm 2007

    Team is up and prepping for the first race of this weekend’s Battle at Primm. Got a call from Seth saying they couldn’t find the Sunoco fuel truck. Luckily I had a cell number in our Baja 1000 binder. One call later and arrangements were made to meet in 20 minutes in the parking lot behind Buffalo Bills.

    So today’s race, which starts a little after 11, is a gold rush start, meaning all 18 Class 11s, plus an untold number of Class 9s (sand rail frame, VW engine, single seaters) all take off at the same time. See the video above.

    Shawn called earlier and said said that Skid wanted his fan base to know that breakfast consisted of bacon, eggs, ham, sausage, potatoes, rice krispies, half a piece of cantaloupe, Pepsi, half a cup of whole milk and some ketchup.

  • The story so far…

    Dave Dixon, man of action

    Dave Dixon, who grooved our tires and has an alcohol-fueled dune buggy.

    The goal was to do a shakedown cruise at Hollister Hills today in prep for the Battle at Primm outside Vegas next weekend.

    It didn’t quite work out that way.

    Bob and Richard made one run and couldn’t keep the car in second gear. They trailered 1102 and made a beeline to Bradford Racing in Prunedale. A quick test drive indicated a possible tranny rebuild is in order. Rich, Shawn, Bob and Creech headed back to Creech’s to drop the engine and transmission and speed it back to Bradford.

    On the way back through Felton, Dave Dixon, who grooved our front tires for the Baja 1000, saw everyone and joined the effort. He’s headed to his place to grab an ATV jack to help drop the engine. I suspect he’s also ordering food for folks, who’ve been wrenching or driving for the better part of the day.

    Shawn is providing updated via phone and SMS.

  • Desert Dingos at Baja 1000 featured on ESPN Magazine online

    Desert Dingo Racing at the start of the 2008 Baja 1000

    To Be Called “Racer”: It’s the highest honor, and the Baja 1000 finds them.
    ESPN Magazine online, November 25, 2008
    In motorsports, there is one word above all others that exemplifies what our twisted metal, burning rubber, death-defying pursuit is all about. The term is never used lightly and bestowed upon only those have earned the right to wear it.


  • Jonesing for a fix

    Folks are starting to post videos of this year’s Baja 1000. Fans are sure obsessed with Fast. Just about the time I said "enough with the trophy trucks," here comes 1102 up the hill (screenshot above, embedded video below). You’ll need to exercise patience. Desert Dingos show up six minutes into the video, but man, the engine sounds good!

    I kissed a lot of frogs, so to speak, before stumbling across that video. Here are a couple at the starting gate. You’ll be amazed at how close vehicles soar by the onlookers, and even more amazed that people actually cross the road at this time. Note: there’s a 30 second interval between each start. WARNING: The video quality is crappy, but the audio is worse. I recommend reducing your audio settings by 50%.

    This is the view on the other side of the Arch. Baby’s got air!

  • A few pics just posted . . .

    . . . on Unlimited Dirt. Click the thumbnail to view the full-sized photo.