Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Uncategorized

  • What was it like?

    When the team returns, we’ll have photos and likely video from the car, but for now, here’s a taste of this year’s Baja from others who’ve already posted on the Internets.

    First, another video of Contingency Row:

    Racers faced two major challenges in the first leg of this year’s course, the silt beds (here’s video of a hummer hitting the silt) and the “goat trail” at Rumorosa. Here’s a clip of bikers pre-running that area.

    Yesterday evening, one of the chase vehicles called and said, “It’s dark out here. I mean, Really Dark.” This is for you city dwellers who don’t know the difference between “dark” and “Really Dark.”

    That’s why Everyone is a Winner.

  • Thanks, Chris

    Chris Juedemann @ was among the loyal followers who tracked Desert Dingo Racing during the 2008 Baja 1000. He sent a link to this pic. Chris, thank you for the link and your messages of encouragement throughout the race!

  • Looking for a panaderia

    1102 was towed to Ensenada. Team members in the chase vehicles and drivers on that stretch slept in back of trucks. RV will meet up them in Ensenada today and they’ll be heading stateside Sunday morning. If they can find an open internet cafe, we may have new photos later today.

  • Watching Class 11 countdown

    1100 and 1101 are separated by about 15RM, with Ramon Fernandez in the lead as they approach Checkpoint 6, the final CP before heading into Ensenada. Twice in the last 5 miniutes, Eric’s stopped. Currently he’s sitting at RM560……still sitting….crawling at 3mph…ok, back up to race speed.

  • Bound for Ensenada

    Roxanne here again. I set the alarm, ready to take over for Shawn, who’s gone to bed long ago, since 1102 is officially “done” as they say on Weatherman channel. I let the news sink in, cried some and then texted Jim, who surprised me by texting back. I thought they’d be snoring, but they’re headed to basecamp in Ensenada where they’ll catch some zzzzzzz’s and meet up with the RV.

    Let’s take a quick look at to see how the other Class 11 cars are faring.

    1100 is at RM450, wowow
    1102 @ RM430
    1149 just passed Checkpoint 2 and RM350
    1103 is totally off course @ zero mph. They were standing still when I went to bed, so I’m thinking they’re done too. Sorry about that.

    Will let y’all know when the team safely arrives in Ensenada.