Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Uncategorized

  • Changing of the Guard

    I chatted with crew; transmission is traveling to Baja Pit 4 where they’ll do best to change it out.

    Meanwhile, i’m going to take a catnap. For the next few hours, Shawn will be your tour guide.

  • Not out of the race yet!

    1102 being towed to Baja Pit 4, updates as they occur.

  • Good news, bad news

    Everybody is ok.
    Transmission may be shot.
    They made it further than last year.

  • Twitter is flaky

    Chase truck with 1102.
    Weatherman broadcasting 8 more vehicles out. 1102 not called. Still zero mph.

  • Listening to Weatherman

    Some vehicles are within spitting distance of the finish line already! Giant booby trap 4 miles from finish. I’ve been listening to Weatherman since the race started, and am sure I’ll dream about it when and if i do sleep.

    What are y’all doing? Say hi and help me stay awake until midnight when the relief pitcher comes in.