Desert Dingo Racing

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  • Two rims, rusted

    I've become quite adept with the grinder
    Every office cubicle should have a pair of rusty VW rims.

    Remember those two rusty rims that Larry Zimmerman donated to us? Now they look like this:

    I've become quite adept with the grinder

    A few minutes with the grinder and another few coats of Rustoleum gloss white and they are race ready. Thanks again, Larry. We really appreciate it. (FYI, Larry drives the bright yellow Baja bug around Felton, so wave if you spot him).

  • We top 5000 downloads of our Desert Dingo Racing iPhone and Adroid app

    There are lies, damn lies and statistics
    Who are you people?!

    For a while there, iPhone downloads had a slight lead but for whatever reason, Android downloads have gone through the roof. Here’s a special shout out to whomever is following us from Campina Grande, Brazil.

    Team meeting tomorrow night at Bob’s place. Something interesting might come of it.

    There are lies, damn lies and statistics

  • We’re winning by that much

    There are lies, damn lies and season point scores
    I credit clean living with our two point stranglehold in season points.

    VORRA posted season points post Fallon 250 and for some reason that probably requires long math, we’re still in first place, albeit by two whole points. Hawthorne should be a fun time.

    If you can close your eyes and imagine Bob “Busboy Bob” Russell as Ken Block and me as Alex Gelsomino (except without the cool accent), this is pretty much what it sounds like inside the car when we’re racing. Also, we’re not going that fast, we’re not usually around trees, and our car doesn’t look anywhere that cool. We do drive through cattle guards, though.

    The VORRA Hawthorne 250 is Labor Day weekend.

  • A special thanks to Shannon and Off Course Racing

    We drive an ’80s era Ford F-350. Shannon drives a bad ass Toyota pre-runner. (Thanks to David Oram for the photo).

    Shannon and Off Course Racing saved our bacon not once, but twice at the VORRA Fallon 250. First time bringing Richard and Crusty back into the pits after spending two hours in the Nevada desert when 1107 broke a ball joint. Then, when our support F-350 developed vapor lock, he drove back out, picked up Richard and Crusty and helped us replace the broken part.

    Shannon built his own Class 1, he coached me on how to put together a radio mast so we might actually be able to talk to 1107 on the course, and he had water misters in his camp. He epitomizes what makes racing fun.

    Now, all that being said, Sabrina, his wife and co-driver, is 10x cooler than he is. Here’s a hi-res version of the above photo.

  • “Flying” the VORRA Fallon 250 desert night race

    This is what will be running on my laptop for the next four days.

    About a week before a race, the organizers drive the course with a GPS unit that records their track. That file gets loaded online for teams to plug into their race car GPS units. This is particularly helpful when you’re driving as fast as you can on dirt roads at night in the middle of the Nevada desert. Which is what we’ll be doing Saturday night.

    I take VORRA‘s file and reformat it for Google Earth, and will spend the next few days “flying” the course. You can download the Google Earth KML file here. This course looks fast. Very fast. With a little bit of technical stuff, mostly at the end of each 62 mile lap.

    We depart Felton Thursday afternoon and arrive in Fallon Thursday night. Friday around 11 a.m. we pre-run the course. Race starts around 6 p.m. Saturday night and we have nine hours to do four laps of the 62-mile course.

    Here’s our tentative driver / co-driver line up.

    Pre-run Friday morning
    Richard / Bill in 1107. Scott on motorcycle.

    Lap 1 – Scott / Bill
    Lap 2 – Richard / Bob
    Lap 3 – Crusty / Scott
    Lap 4 – Bill / Jim