Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Video

  • Baja 1000 video of 1104 taking the second turn

    1104 takes turn two at the start of the Baja 1000 2009.

    Kristy filmed this video of 1104 taking the second turn at the start of the Baja 1000 2009.

  • Where does he get these wonderful toys

    I can’t stand snow, but if this thing comes with heated seats, I’ll make an exception.

    No word on 1104 yet. Crusty came by and picked up some parts for the parts bins. He also found the mount for the IRC tracking unit, so I can sleep at night. Roxanne also picked up some peanut butter-filled pretzel nuggets, because no Baja 1000 is complete without peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets

  • Getting 1107 into the convention center

    No, I hadn’t been drinking when I filmed this.

    The World Diabetes Congress is overr and we’re headed over to the convention center in Montreal this morning to make sure the car shipping is dialed. I shot this video using the HD Flip Roxanne  got me for my birthday. It definitely takes longer to process HD video.

  • The Blue Circle has a message for World Diabetes Day

    The Blue Circle would like to know what your plans are for World Diabetes Day. Learn more about the World Diabetes Day PSA Campaign.

  • Watch as we nearly shear the light bar off 1107

    Missed it by that much.

    Or, as A.J. just schooled me: “Measure twice, load once.”

    Dan with Jax Trucking pulled into Felton on Tuesday to pick up 1107 for the trip to Kenmore, NY where the car will be dropped off and then picked up by a Canadian transport company for the final leg to the Montreal Convention Center, where Richard and I will meet it sometime between 7 and 8 a.m. on October 16.

    The hauler already had a custom Charger, a Bentley, a Porsche and a spotless 70’s era Trans Am, so we were in good company.

    I’ll be putting on the rest of the sponsor decals when we’re in Montreal and it will be all spiffy for the World Diabetes Congress.

    Photos tonight.