Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Video

  • Countdown to the SNORE 250

    Fresh from the makeshift paint booth, we start prepping 1107 for the SNORE 250 and beyond.

    Today we narrowed down our rough running engine problems to an over exuberant electric fuel pump. It was putting too much fuel into the carburetor, resulting in rough running. Apparently some $40 fuel pressure regulator will fix this. Otherwise, the car is in good shape and we’re tweaking around the edges in preparation for the SNORE 250. While they did that, I filled out paperwork for the Baja 1000.

    Creech can’t make the 250 but has generously offered to let us use his truck and toy hauler to t0w 1107 to Primm for the race. Richard, Crusty, Scott ‘n Carrie will go down in the truck, Roxanne and I will head down separately.

    We’ll only be running the new TrailGlow numbers on the car for the 250. Right after the car returns, Shawn and I (mostly Shawn) will touch up the paint, add the rest of the sponsor logos and prep the car for the trip to the World Diabetes Congress in Montreal.

    I also got ohhhs and ahhhhs from the team when I demo’d the TrailGlow pit sign, that, because I didn’t tape the bare wires, nearly set the car on fire on the drive over, according to Shawn. Fine. I’ll solder and insulate them.

    Here’s a few shots from today’s work.

    And here’s a 12 second video, via, of the engine not running very well, shot with my birthday present from Roxanne, a custom-designed Flip HD camera:

    Rough running engine on

  • BF Goodrich Nation of Go team makes us look gooood

    You should see the outtakes and bloopers reel.

    As previously mentioned, BF Goodrich’s Nation of Go team stopped by Sunday afternoon while most of us were standing around watching body-and-paint man Shawn Kovach-Long paint 1107.

    Roxanne made a nice chili, because, as everyone knows, a race team marches on its stomach.

    We talked about their project, we talked about racing, we talked about our working with the International Diabetes Federation and raising awareness about the risks posed by diabetes. It was a great time and they’re doing a great thing. We wish them the best of luck.

    Click on this cool shot of Shawn to go to Nation of Go’s Flickr set of their visit.

  • Desert Dingo Racing, now in HD

    An extremely early birthday present from Roxanne came in the mail today. A custom Flip HD camera with a photo of 1107 printed on the front. We’ve been using a standard Flip for several years with decent results. We’ll test it at the SNORE 250 in early October and at the World Diabetes Congress later in the month. And, naturally, at the Baja 1000.

    Thank you Roxanne 🙂

  • Logistics can be cool. No, really.

    We’re gonna need more laptops.

    Desert Dingo Racing’s Logistics Department held its first planning meeting in preparation for the Baja 1000. We had bbq’d tri-tip, potato salad, salad and lots of beer. And we discussed logistics. Figuring out where to set up shop this year (we had some equipment stolen in 2008), how to move chase trucks and people around, and mainly how to improve communications between the team and the car.

    We’re looking to go with satellite pagers, since mostly what we need to know is where the car is and what it’s doing. We’ve used satellite phones but they’re expensive and the Iridium system gets overwhelmed by everyone making calls. We understand that the pagers keep trying to send their messages even if the satellite network is busy. That’s a tremendous help. More on these later.

    No work on the car this weekend, so here’s a high def video documentary of a trophy truck running the Baja 500: