Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Video

  • Desert Dingo Racing featured in Gearbox Magazine

    Get a haircut, hippie

    Someone needs a haircut.

    Gearbox Magazine editor Brian Driggs got it in his head that it might be interesting to do a piece on Desert Dingo Racing. We bounced emails back and forth and this is the result. I love my Stig shirt.

    Desert Dingo: A True Story of “Dust to Glory”

    For those who haven’t seen it yet, “Dust to Glory” is an epic movie about what it takes to run the Baja 1000 in Mexico. There probably isn’t a gearhead on the planet who hasn’t watched that flick and thought, “OMG. I wanna do that.” Jim Graham is one such gearhead, and OMG. He actually went out and did that.

    Read the rest of the story…

  • Short course racing in a Class 11

    This is basically what it’s all about.

  • A fellow VW racer hits the big time

    Her joke about stuffing an Internet hater in the trunk was high-larious.

    Fellow VW racer Emme Hall, in addition to racing a Class 5 “Trophy Bug”, which she’ll be racing at the NORRA 1000 in a couple of months, she also does car reviews for RoadFly TV. She just did one for an Audi A4. It’s no ’69 VW, but you might like it. If you’re on Facebook, you can “like” her here.

  • Workin’ at the car wash

    Sometimes, just because you can video something, doesn’t mean you need to make other people watch it.

    Anyone who thinks racing is exciting should really watch this video because it encompasses all that racing is about. For every high speed pass, for every desert vista, for every rollover, there’s this. An hour spent power washing the new body. Also this weekend, because a truck had a flat, then the engine wouldn’t start, then the forklift clutch was shot, we didn’t get the body off 1107, putting us further behind schedule.

    Here’s some photos from this weekend’s work.

  • Meet 1107. 2.0

    Crusty and I spent the day stripping down the body that will be 1107 2.0. Crusty pulled the fenders and focused on cleaning up the engine compartment. I removed all the glass, rubber and any mechanical stuff (window cranking stuff, windshield wiper) that we wouldn’t be using.

    Tomorrow we strip out the last remnants of what factory workers in Germany put in it to make it a consumer car.