Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Video

  • The Green Booger strikes again

    Not content to hand us our butts at the last Prairie City race, Two Larrys Racing hit us again with a Desert Dingo Racing tribute video that dropped today on Yahoo Video. An appropriate response could take years and cost millions of lives. But it’ll happen.

    1107’s engine is on its way to Bob’s for a rebuild, which should take a week. The last race of the season, at Prairie City, is Halloween weekend.

    Oh yeah! Also go my copy of Jacques magazine (NSFW) that we’re featured in and which got us a mention in the New York Times.

  • Herb-i-Islami in Kabul

    Kabul’s anti-corruption campaigner Ramazan Bashardost meets Herb-i-Islami, outside the politician’s tent, opposite parliament, in Kabul.

    Jerome Starkey is the Times of London correspondent in Kabul. He’s working with a local mechanic to get his ’69 VW Beetle (same as us) on the road. I read everything he writes. You can follow him on the Twitters here.

    I’m tempted to put together a CARE package of points, plugs, fuel filters, throttle cables, starter motors, distributors, windshield wipers, assorted lengths of wire, alligator clips, chicken wire and tongue depressors and showing up on his door step to get Herb-i-Islami dialed into tip top shape.

    Word has it he has a sofa Roxanne and I can crash on.

    Until then, this is the video that, as a co-driver, I aspire to.

  • In car video from the Hawthorne 225

    I don’t know what the other teams talk about in the car, but I transcribed our intercom chat from the latest race into the video.

  • Hawthorne 225 video (Good stuff at 2:08)

    No, we weren’t hit by a meteor, or a freight train or anything else, thank you very much.

    Charlene Bower of Bower Motorsports Media was kind enough to include some video of us (for insurance purposes) in her video coverage of the Hawthorne 225. I’m about to head out right now and start unloading stuff from 1107.

    Team meeting this coming week to plan for the short course racing in October.

  • Leak check

    No oil spewing all over everything = “success”

    At the Fallon 250 desert night race, where we finished last because I’m an idiot, we had a problem with an oil leak that required us to add a quart of oil every 40 mile loop of the course. In a regular car, that’s reason enough to pull the car over and call the mechanic, but this is racing and you just put more oil in until you finish the race or the big red light comes on and stays on. We opted for the former.

    Anyway, so now it’s two weeks later and we got under the car and figured out that the majority of the leak came from a failed valve cover gasket. Richard and Scott swapped it out for a new one and then Crusty (seen in the above video) followed out with swapping out our yellow rubber oil lines with braided steel ones. Much stronger and they look cooler, too.

    Probably tomorrow I’ll get the new radio mast from Skid and we’ll see what kind of range we can get between the car and the pit radio.

    Three weeks to the Hawthorne 250.