Desert Dingo Racing

Category: VORRA

  • Bug Invasion 3 at the USA 500

    Bug Invasion 3 at the USA 500

    This, my friends, is the new Bug Invasion trophy. Pretty much the Stanley Cup of Class 11 racing.

    We started the Bug Invasion back in 2010 when Class 11 Stock Bugs made their triumphant return to the Valley Off Road Racing Association. We were all too broke to throw in big money, so I grabbed one of my dad’s old bowling trophies, picked up a 12 pack of PBR and promised the winner “Twenty dollars cash money” from my wallet.

    You’d never seen racers fight so hard.

    Thankfully, they've retired from Class 11 racing, so we might have a shot at winning the trophy this year

    Messer Motorsports claimed its second Bug Invasion win at Prairie City in 2011.

    So then I cross paths with Geoff Curtis, a fixture on the TV show “Overhaulin’“, a world-class fabber with Five Axis (check out the Lexus) and a guy building a Class 11 to race the Baja 1000. Granted, when he starts work on a VW pan, it comes out looking better than when it rolled off the factory floor in Wolfsburg 40 years ago.

    They didn't look this good coming off the line at Wolfsburg

    I hate him.

    Anyway, I am helping him out with some stuff and in return he fabbed this most amazing trophy, which includes a brake drum, brake pads, stub axle, piston, valves and valve springs and those long skinny things that I forget what they’re called. Best of all this thing weighs a good 15 pounds.

    The thing has its own gravity field.

    No, really.

    Ok, so we’re calling the third Bug Invasion for VORRA’s USA 500 July 15-18 in Sparks. Class 11 winner gets the trophy (at least until we call the next Bug Invasion), the 12 pack of PBR and $20 cash money. We’ve already got four 11s committed.


  • Came for the racing. Stayed for the canapes.

    Came for the racing. Stayed for the canapes.

    Seriously, the Class 11 pits are going to look just like this.

    Update: CBCFS Racing will be hosting a wine and cheese tasting Saturday night and Romy and Jen will be rolling in with hummus, goat cheese, figs and fresh fruit

    When I’m doing the menu, its usually Pop Tarts and coffee for breakfast lunch and dinner, but, fortunately for the team, we’ve got Roxanne, who’s taken the lead on coordinating food for this weekend’s VORRA season opener at Prairie City.

    Here’s the menu for this weekend:

    Friday dinner:
    Roxanne: Marinara sauce with whole wheat pasta
    Dennis & Deb: Camp style potatoes & onions
    Lynda: Big green salad w/ carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, cukes

    Saturday breakfast:
    Roxanne: “Italian” omelot topped with leftover marinara sauce
    Dennis & Deb: Dutch Oven Egg Casserole (Eggs, Potatoes, Onions, Cheese, Bacon, Chorizo)
    Normal & R-Pod: Potatoes, bacon
    Lynda: fresh fruit

    Saturday dinner:
    Roxanne: Black bean chili and tortillas.
    Dennis & Deb: Blasting Baja Spanish Rice
    Jean-Luc: Beef Stew
    Normal & R-Pod: Sauteed vegetables of some sort (seasonal)
    Lynda: Vegetable Soup

    Sunday breakfast:
    Roxanne: Breakfast burritos.
    Dennis & Deb: eggs, chorizo, potatoes
    Normal & R-Pod: Cheddar and bacon omelets (on order), guacamole for the burritos.
    Lynda: Mangoes

    BTW, I snagged the image from one of my favorite TV commercials of all time…

  • Packing for Prairie City

    Packing for Prairie City

    This is what our new tent might look like in a high wind inside a Costco.

    Tonight is packing night as we prepare for this weekend’s racing at Prairie City. Here’s shots of our tubs for electronics, radios, food, racing suits and helmets. Also our Energizer All-In-One Battery, so I don’t drain everyone’s car batteries with the pit radio. Also the pile of stuff for cooking, shelter and a pile of miscellaneous stuff I know I’ll regret if we don’t take it.

    Dixon & Son Tires gave 1107 a full alignment this morning, is on the truck and ready to go. Crusty’s coming by tomorrow to move race fuel from the drum to the 5 gallon jugs. I’ll be dropping off tubs with Dave and Jonah to haul to PC.


  • We are roadworthy

    We are roadworthy

    I swear I’m taking Romy to Men’s Wearhouse for a pair of fitted coveralls.

    Bob, Romy and Crusty got 1107 road mobile today, with help from Dixon & Son Tires in Watsonville who swapped out a bunch of good tires off rims we trashed at the last race of 2011 at Prairie City (which, BTW, we won).

    1107 goes back to Dixon & Son for an alignment on Wednesday. We deploy to Prairie City on Friday.

  • VORRA Prairie City 2012 Season Opener

    VORRA Prairie City 2012 Season Opener

    VORRA just fired off the newsletter for our first 2012 race of the season at Prairie City. “This makes if official, I guess,” said someone in a position of authority.

    Big workday this weekend to start buttoning 1107 up. Transmission and engine will go in.

    Here’s the race schedule

    FRIDAY April 13

    • 12pm  Special Event Gates Open
    • 5pm – 8pm  Tech Inspection & Registration


    • 7:30am – 9am  Late Tech Inspection & Registration
    • 9:15am  Mandatory Drivers Meeting
    • 9:45 – 10am  Group A Practice 1 (9, 11, UTVs)
    • 10 – 10:15am  Group B Practice 1 (Pro & Sportsman)
    • 10:15 – 10:30am  Group A Practice 2
    • 10:30 – 10:45am  Group B Practice 2
    • 11am First Moto
    • Mid Day Lunch Break  In between 2nd & 3rd Motos
    • Moto 2
    • Moto 3


    • 7:30 – 8am Late Tech Inspection & Registration
    • 8:15am  Mandatory Drivers Meeting  (1-Day Racers Only)
    • 8:45 – 9am  Group A Practice 1
    • 9 – 9:15am  Group B Practice 1
    • 9:15 – 9:30am  Group A Practice 2
    • 9:30 – 9:45am  Group B Practice 2
    • 10am  First Moto
    • Mid Day Lunch Break  In between 2nd & 3rd Motos
    • Moto 2
    • Moto 3
    • 4pm Awards Presentation Rounds 3 & 4

    Roxanne picked up this. We will be living large in the pits.