Desert Dingo Racing

Category: VORRA

  • Pre-running the Xtreme Outlaws 250

    Since I forgot to turn the camera on for the actual race, here’s video of us pre-running the Xtreme Outlaws 250. Cursed road hooligan Weasel in the red Petfinder Class 11 cuts in front of us without signaling, then we promptly get stuck in the silt and get towed out by a Hummer. Then Roger Norman in the No. 8 trophy truck blows our doors off.

    Team meeting tonight. Two page agenda.

  • We officially win Stock Bug class at the Xtreme Outlaws 250

    I hadn’t previously mentioned how gorgeous the course was with wildflowers blooming everywhere. Photo courtesy Trevor Piggott.

    We got word last night that we officially were awarded first place for the inaugural Xtreme Outlaws 250. (There’d been a question on whether our going out to the first checkpoint on the second lap counted. It did.) Our second win in a row and it keeps us in first place in season points.

    Post race team meeting set for tomorrow night. We always try to do them while the race is fresh in our minds. Next up, the Fallon 250 night race July 16-18.

    Trevor Piggott and Jason Baden with Reno Off-Road Motorsports sent over some photos they got of 1107 on the course. You can check ’em out here.

  • Scenes from an outlaw race

    There must be $500 worth of VWs out there!

    Finally got caught up on sleep and paperwork and stuff. Here’s a collection of shots by Pepper Cote of Tut Tech Racing and me. Check ’em out.

    Thank you Tut and Pepper for insanely driving 10 hours just to hang out with us in a dirt overflow parking lot outside Reno.

  • Thank you Dogg and Ginger

    Dogg and Ginger and me taking morning coffee on their patio.

    All of us with Desert Dingo Racing want to extend our sincerest thanks to Dogg and Ginger for allowing us to invade their lives for five days during the Xtreme Outlaws 250 in Reno this past weekend.

    We started showing up around midnight Wednesday and finally departed midday Sunday. In the interim, we took over their driveway, their garage, their basement, most of their parking, their washer and dryer, both bathrooms, their internets, their refrigerator and their patio. I also waylaid their 12-year-old cat Spike. I may have also listed their house as Desert Dingo Racing Reno HQ on FourSquare. And Ginger chauffeured me all over Sparks for trips to the grocery store, bank, gas station and an auto parts store.

    Thank you both, again. And if anyone is in the Reno/Sparks area, I highly recommend Dogg’s french press coffee.

  • Live tracking us (and everyone else) at the Xtreme Outlaws 250

    We’re 1107. Petfinder is 1106. The Green Booger is 1112 If you want to see real speed, follow Roger Norman’s No. 8 Trophy Truck.

    VORRA is testing SPOT trackers for second time with this race. They’re a heck of a lot cheaper that what other race bodies have been using and the technology is a generation or two more advanced. You’ll be able to follow us via this map page.

    Thanks to Mats Jansson of for getting us configured properly for the race. Our unit will go live around 6 a.m. Saturday.