Desert Dingo Racing

Category: World Diabetes Day

  • BF Goodrich Nation of Go team makes us look gooood

    You should see the outtakes and bloopers reel.

    As previously mentioned, BF Goodrich’s Nation of Go team stopped by Sunday afternoon while most of us were standing around watching body-and-paint man Shawn Kovach-Long paint 1107.

    Roxanne made a nice chili, because, as everyone knows, a race team marches on its stomach.

    We talked about their project, we talked about racing, we talked about our working with the International Diabetes Federation and raising awareness about the risks posed by diabetes. It was a great time and they’re doing a great thing. We wish them the best of luck.

    Click on this cool shot of Shawn to go to Nation of Go’s Flickr set of their visit.

  • The first glow in the dark team

    Paul with TrailGlow made this pit sign for us. I’m pretty sure it will be visible from other planets.

    I first saw Paul’s work at the KC Hilite’s Midnight Special race when some race truck tore past us at Road Crossing 11 (RX11) and all its numbers were lit up like neon. I turned to Roxanne, pointed, and said “As God is my witness, I’ll own a set of those.”

    It’s been a few weeks and Paul was kind enough to come on as a sponsor of the team and has treated us like royalty. Not only is he providing us with lit number panels for the SNORE races and the Baja 1000, but he’s sending illuminated pit vests, an illuminated pit sigh (above), a set of illuminated sponsor and contingency logos and the pièce de résistance:

    Oh yes, a set of HID lights with the Desert Dingo Racing logo laser-etched in the glass. Batman, eat your heart out.

  • Who wants to ride in the car in Baja?

    Have you got what it takes to ride with us in Baja? (Answer: If you have a Twitter account, then yes, you do.)

    Updated: Added a few new names.

    We’re doing a thing this year to support using #WDD09 as the “Official Hash Tag of World Diabetes Day”. Anyone who uses #WDD09 and #DesertDingo in a tweet between now and November 21 will have their name carried in the car with us during the Baja 1000. Heck, we might even pick one lucky tweeter to get a random souvenier that we pick up in Ensenada.

    So tell your friends, retweet it or use the “via” tag if that’s how you roll. We expect to be live blogging and twittering during the race and we’ll mention everyone then, too.  Here’s who’s with us so far:

    @pepperdey, @craig3010, @Kyrans, @Ceekay74, @becbeat555, @nscrwriter, @WeCreateBuzz, @DirtForge, @eauxneaux, @4x4club, @JaimeH, @elgringoinspain, @ATV_Rider_Mag, @klafountain, @LuvShaker, @JeffDomingues, @TormentedOne,  @amazydbygrace, @AC_Cyclebetes, @khexter, @polakueche, @MandMSynthetics, @CureT1Diabetes, @danamlewis, @ChurchGr8Oval, @Snafam, @rex_emerson, @Diabeterific, @poxaV, @MelTangel, v6shell, zymurgy, CeeDeeAych and Sylverrose,

    (If you tweeted it and you don’t see your name on this list, I blame Twitter. Shoot a tweet to @DesertDingo and I’ll be sure to add you.)


    P.S. We’ll be at the World Diabetes Congress in Montreal next month. Be sure to find us. We’ll be the only ones displaying a ’69 VW Beetle.

  • TrailGlow Lighting signs on as sponsor of Desert Dingo Racing

    August 24 , 2009, Santa Cruz, Calif. –TrailGlow Lighting, a leading provider of high intensity lighting systems for the off road racing community, announced today that it is sponsoring Desert Dingo Racing’s 2009 off road racing season, including the Baja 1000 in Mexico in November.

    Desert Dingo Racing campaigns a 1969 Volkswagen Beetle in off road races in the U.S. and Mexico. The team is the official World Diabetes Day off road race team and works with the International Diabetes Federation to raise money for diabetes education and awareness programs.

    TrailGlow Lighting provides the best affordable HID lights available as well as custom lighting systems, including INERGY number panels and decals that greatly increase visibility during night races.

    Read the entire press release…