Desert Dingo Racing

Category: Yerington

  • 1107s new home

    It's got million dollar views


    Gravel floor = swank.

    We moved 1107 to its new home over the weekend. Back up into the Santa Cruz mountains (from its previous location up in the Santa Cruz mountains). The move went amazingly flawlessly and we’re hard at work to get ready for the first desert race of the season May 27-30 in Yerington. The pan is being worked on there. The new body being massaged at Desert Dingo HQ. Work day at both locations this weekend.

    Some photos from the move. The parking lot photo was taken just before Shawn, Skid, Billy and I got into an argument over which form of racing is more awesome – IRL, NASCAR, MotoGP or motocross (it’s NASCAR).

    Two other bits of news. Just passed 25,000 downloads of our iPhone, iPod and Android mobile app. And we nailed a trifecta in the current issue of Dusty Times. A photo of 1107 appeared in the VORRA full page ad for the race season. We got mentioned in the Prairie City I race recap.Black and white doesn't do justice to Skittles rainbow of colors


    Thank you Jessica and Nathan for your help at PC I.

    Last thing: Planning for the 1000 has already begun…

  • Smell the excitement – what it’s like to desert race

    This is pretty much “Dust to Glory” packed into five minutes.

    For some unknown reason, one of our GoPro cameras started recording upside down and it took me months to figure out how to fix it. Mostly months because I forgot about it and then about 10 minutes of Googling to solve the problem, courtesy of Quicktime Pro.

    This is Richard and me at the start of the Yerington 300. In this video you see us standing around, get buckled in, I fiddle with my iPhone, we fist-bump and at some point pass a Class 9 car. That’s pretty much desert racing in a nutshell.

    Coming up the weekend of July 16-18 – The Fallon 250 Desert Night Race.

  • A couple more shots from Yerington

    Shortly after this I’m pretty sure we got wedged on some rocks.

    Jason Baden with Reno Off-Road Motorsports sent along a couple photos he got of us at the Yerington 300. Team taking the weekend off and working on the car on Tuesday.
    Two more photos here.

    Two weeks to the Xtreme Outlaws 250 in Reno.

  • This is how we roll (at the VORRA Yerington 300)

    Yerington 300 pre-race parade through town.

    After tech inspection on Saturday afternoon, the cars are impounded in the hotel parking lot across the street from the casino. Then, right around 6 p.m. everyone saddled up and paraded the length of the town twice, led by the sheriff. Pretty much everyone else headed back out to the pits, but flipped a U-turn and drove over to our race sponsor – Pizza Factory – for a meet ‘n greet. A good time was had by all.

    Thanks to Jason Baden with Reno Off-Road Motorsports who sent along this clip and some photos I’ll be posting shortly.

  • We actually pass someone at the VORRA Yerington 300

    We catch 909 shortly after the start of the race and then ease over the Slip-n-Slide of Doom which doesn’t look anywhere near as scary as it actually was.

    And there’s a shot of us in impound in this FALGeneral video just posted.