Desert Dingo Racing

Cliff hanger

This just in from Scott…


Yesterday after establishing Pit #2 Seth and I ran into a pair of quads who ran out of gas while pre-running. A splash of Dingo gas and our brothers from Super Cow Racing were back on their way.

This morning Richard & I drove 1101 into town for tech and registration. Lines, lines, lines. My first time in the driver’s seat. That thing rips right along! Far better motor and suspension than I’d anticipated. Good thing we won’t need the brakes much, though. Been a long time since driving something with drums.

Jeff led the way back from town in the Scout, taking the back way through canyon & beach with Seth driving behind. The narrow trail wound through a section of 100 foot vertical mud canyons. Round a corner we spotted a Yamaha Rhino UTV dangling halfway off the cliff, four desperate men trying to keep it from flipping down the cliff. They had honestly been inches from death. We made our way up the back side of the cliff to join them. Tied a couple of straps to the thing, hooked one end to a truck & another strap with 8 people pulling to keep it from tumbling as the truck pulled. New friends. We have video but it’s too large to send.