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Diabetes Hands Foundation

I’m a member of TuDiabetes, an online community “where people touched by diabetes can connect with each other, hold informed discussions and share their experiences.” I’ve learned more about eating right and caring for my health, and I understand better the challenges faced by people managing diabetes. I don’t have diabetes myself, but I have friends and family members who do. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more welcoming and ingenuous online community.

TuDiabetes and its Spanish-language sister site, EsTuDiabetes, are projects of the Diabetes Hands Foundation.

DHF has other phenomenol initiatives which promote diabetes awareness and give folks managing diabetes a creative, unique voice. In our Aug.22 post, we shared their Word in Your Hand videos. If you missed seeing these, please check them out and then visit the DHF website to learn more about their other community-generated initiatives, like Drawing Diabetes and Diabetes Supplies Art. Wordsmiths will appreciate No Sugar Added Poetry.

I know you’ll be moved by what you learn. The good news is that you can help.