First order of business is raking the race shop.
Crusty came by Saturday and started taking 1107 apart. Found a broken valve cover gasket, which explains us looking like a smoking bbq pit for the last couple of races at Prairie City.
Crusty’s located a couple of old Porsche stub axles that we’ll swap out for the substandard Empi ones we ran at PC, one of which is now a paperweight on my desk at the office. While Crusty and I were working at Desert Dingo Racing HQ, Romy worked on Race Engine No. 2 at his place.
Industrial Engineer Khaled Mabrouk has joined the team. Khaled has been advising us on process. We have approximately one million packing lists that vary based on the race, where we’re staying and who’s coming out. We’ve already made some tweaks to tool locations in 1107 that have carved a minute off of a tire change out on the course.
First stab at a tool table. Need to do some in-filling.
The idea here is to catalog every single process we use in preparing 1107 to race, setting it up in advance of the race, checking it during pit stops and tearing it apart when we get home. I’m focused now on putting together the pit. We’ll have a standard set of basic tools that will always be set up exactly the same way. Spread out from the pit table will be the welder, spare tires, jack and whatever else we might need if something goes wrong. Pretty much every team member has his or her own tool box so those will be available as well. Every single tray in every single tool box will be labeled.
My goal is to get us to the three second pit stops you see on Formula One.