It’s coming together.
The piece on us that was to air on KPIX apparently got bumped, so I expect it to run today or tomorrow. The GPS unit arrived yesterday and Crusty went to work cutting a more sturdy bracket for it.
I’m calling Radio Bob to find out when the radios were shipped. Those are the last piece of equipment we’re waiting on. And I need to call Eric Solorzano this morning to figure out where we need to pit, since our cars are so similar, we can use the same pit strategy as he does.
Charlie, Scott and Carrie are coming over this evening to practice using winches to pull 1117 up a hill, since I have the perfect driveway for it (dirt, potholed and steep, being the criteria).
One response to “Four days and counting”
Wow, I’m really impressed with the work you guys have put into this weekend hobby. Wouldn’t scrapbooking be a lot easier?!?!?
Good luck to you all. Have fun and be safe. Enjoy the frosty cold drinks when you’re done!
Lisa (ask Carrie)