Desert Dingo Racing

It’s like shaving a goat

Everything here is mine.

Crusty and I worked on the new body this weekend. I’ve come to understand that a passenger car, including a VW Beetle, was never designed to do what we put it through. That being the case. when you’re building a desert race car, you start by stripping it down to its essentials and building up from there.

Crusty spend this weekend removing unnecessary stuff and welding seams. I tackled rust and all the stuff most people never see in a VW – rust, glue, rubber, aluminum trim, random crud and felt. There is a remarkable amount of felt in a 70s era VW. And if I ever track down the descendants of the VW engineer who got the bright idea to use tar sheets as sound deadener in the side panels, I’m going to slap them.

Photos from this weekend’s work here.


One response to “It’s like shaving a goat”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jim Graham, desertdingo. desertdingo said: Everything here is mine. […]