Desert Dingo Racing

Less than a week to SNORE’s Caliente 250

Hi, I’m Bob and I’ll be your driver today…

We’re starting to button up 1107 for SNORE’s Caliente 250 next Saturday. The front and rear bumpers, now with reinforcement so that they don’t crumple like tinfoil when you try to use them as a jack point, are installed. Richard returned from Bradford Racing Products in Prunedale with our rebuilt transmission and Bob and Scott got it reinstalled.

Shawn hammered out the one usable fender salvaged from where we were sideswiped by a Trophy Truck No. 91 at the Mint 400 (thanks for that, multimillionaire racer and Aria casino president Bill McBeath) and we’ve got four good ones for the race.

Once we’re back from the Caliente, Steve Bradford will build us a second transmission and give a “Transmission 101” class for all of us who want to see what goes into putting one together.

Today, the engine goes in and more buttoning up. In the rain.

Photos from Saturday’s work day here.

P.S. Oh yes, the driver line up for the Caliente. Bob will reprise his role as driver from the Mint 400, with Creech as co-dog for the first 100 mile leg. Crusty will make his triumphant return to the car (not having been in it since the 2007 Baja 1000) with Cary as co-driver.