Desert Dingo Racing

Metalcraft run


Scott Sebastian of Metalcraft

Scott Sebastian doing what he does best.

Crusty and I did a rocket run to Sanger by way of Selma (because I am an idiot) to visit Scott Sebastian of Metalcraft, who does all our transmission work. We took down two race transmissions, two gift transmissions we’d found at various junkyards and one transmission case that I have no idea where it came from.

Crusty working on the trans

Crusty is on the case. (That’s a joke).

I don’t think there’s anyone who knows VW transmissions better than Scott. It requires an understanding of VW history, because SCORE rules allow you to run what was “stock” in Type 1 Bugs. Lucky for us, there were variations in what was stock at various times. And certain year transmissions had better quality gears than others, so we’re constantly on the lookout for specific year transmissions at junk yards, just so we can take him the parts to put in our race transmissions.

La Mexicana Food Truck - Sanger

While they worked, I did a lunch run to the La Mexicana food truck. Great burritos.

Our first race transmission

The first of two race transmissions completed.