Desert Dingo Racing

Playing catch up

Crusty prepping to cut off a bump stop.

Eric Solorzano’s gonna kill us, but after four years, we’re futzing with the suspension set up he did for us. We figure we’ll get another inch of rear travel.

Bob came by with the machined heads, lightened flywheel and a bunch other parts in a box. Engine One rebuild should be wrapped up by the end of next week, courtesy of Bob, Romy and Mike.

CBCFS Racing is making progress, too.

Paul with CBCFS Racing called a couple of times. We helped them out with a braking issue and then figuring out how much power various systems draw. They’re pretty close to firing up the engine.

We’re live.

I’m sure this will rank right up there with community television, but we’ll be broadcasting workdays live whenever we can via I’ll announce them via the Twitter and Facebook. Our channel is DesertDingo.

Lastly, what kind of monsters send you a package of spring loaded ball joints?

Some shots of my unboxing of the good ball joints.