Desert Dingo Racing

Racing is sketches

I don’t know how Chad Knaus runs things, but we do sketches.

Folks think Desert Dingo is Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley based, but that’s not really the case. For The 24, we’ve got people coming in from Canada, Washington, D.C., Colorado, SoCal and the SLV. Our sponsors are spread across the country and internationally. A lot of what we do is by email. And a lot of those emails includes sketches of changes we’re making to 1107 to make it better.

Above is the sketch that Joel at Bilstein sent me explaining a change he’s making to keep us from blowing out connections on the front shocks for like when we launch the car off a two-story tall cliff and plant it on its nose. Joel has the patience of Job with us.

And here’s the sketch Canadian rally driver Paul Hartl sent us on his idea for the now industry standard “Hartl Bend” that provides drivers and co-drivers with more leg room by routing an A-pillar structural support over the steering column rather than under it.

Ok, and then this is me sketching the correct positions for the dials on our Rugged Radios intercom so that driver and co-driver can hear each other in the car.

2.5 weeks and counting to the 24.


One response to “Racing is sketches”

  1. […] Six foot 15-inch tall Canadian rally car driver Paul Hartl (inventor of the Hartl Bend) […]